Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

A very rich accumulation of sacred pious divine impulses in our inner realm are must to reach and resonate with the spiritual frequencies of highly elevated divine Souls..!!!

I often contemplate with a very simple thought that why people’s monkey minds have failed to gain a direct reply from teachings of totally accomplished and enlightened masters about the true definition in metaphysical terms of the words Guru / … Continue reading

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How difficult it was to listen and believe….!!!

How difficult it was to listen and believe when revered Gurudev instructed me to stand under a tree hardly matters even if barefooted and address the zero audience with all that HE had taught to me through divine intuitions about … Continue reading

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If we can not understand God, it’s better not to misunderstand HIM too….!!!

If we can not understand God, it’s better not to misunderstand HIM too. The divine path leading to Supreme Power is not too much complicated as we are often told or taught. Tough theories with manipulated so called spiritual knowledge … Continue reading

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The man whose mind is clouded with vanity thinks arrogantly that he is the doer….!!!

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Desire is a terrible foe, for it deludes the Soul through the senses…..!!!

Desire is a terrible foe, for it deludes the Soul through the senses. So knowing his/her strength and with confidence in the might of his/her Soul, seeker should kill this desire-the enemy. Of course, this enemy is internal and the … Continue reading

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All beings are dominated by their governing property and act under its compulsion….!!!

All beings are dominated by their governing property and act under its compulsion.   The sage who is blessed with perception also makes his efforts in accordance with his nature.   Ordinary men abide in their actions and the wise … Continue reading

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