Heartfelt best wishes to Entire Globe for a blissful upcoming RAMNAVAMI, the day of manifestation of Bhagwan Shree RAM…!!!!!
The great spiritual country India is going to celebrate the day of manifestation of Lord Ram which is named as Ramnavami. Let us have a metaphysical study about this most sacred occasion by having a clear concept about the real identity of Lord Ram.
When there recures confusion about Ram, regarding his nature, personal or impersonal, his place of birth, his mode of hiring,
it is removed by a technique, a device. This very device is RAM.
Ramcharit Manas sings that by whose grace such doubts and confusions are removed, HE is but the kind hearted Ram. In other words Ram Himself is the embodiment of pure soul, pure knowledge.
As per Ramayana :
जो माया सब जगहि नचावा। जासु चरित लखि काहुँ न पावा॥
सोइ प्रभु भ्रू बिलास खगराजा। नाच नटी इव सहित समाजा॥
सोइ सच्चिदानंद घन रामा। अज बिग्यान रूपो बल धामा॥
ब्यापक ब्याप्य अखंड अनंता। अखिल अमोघसक्ति भगवंता॥
अगुन अदभ्र गिरा गोतीता। सबदरसी अनवद्य अजीता॥
निर्मम निराकार निरमोहा। नित्य निरंजन सुख संदोहा॥
प्रकृति पार प्रभु सब उर बासी। ब्रह्म निरीह बिरज अबिनासी॥
इहाँ मोह कर कारन नाहीं। रबि सन्मुख तम कबहुँ कि जाहीं॥
jo måyå saba jagahi nacåvå, jåsu carita lakhi kåhu na påvå.
soi praphu bhrµu bilåsa khagaråjå, nåca na¢∂ iva sahita samåjå.
soi saccidåna≈da ghana råmå, aja bigyåna rµupa bala dhåmå.
byåpaka byåpya akha≈Œa ana≈tå, akhila amoghasakti bhagava≈tå.
aguna adabhra girå got∂tå, sabadaras∂ anavadya aj∂tå.
nirmama niråkåra niramohå, nitya nira≈jana sukha sa≈dohå.
prakæti påra prabhu saba ura bås∂, brahma nir∂ha biraja abinås∂.
ihå°moha kara kårana nåh∂°, rabi sanmukha tama kabahu ki jåh∂.
The same Måyå that has made a puppet of the whole world and whose ways are unknown to anyone, dances with all her party like an actress on the stage to the play of the Lord ís eyebrows, O king of birds. Such is Lord Råma, who is devoid of birth, the totality of Existence, Knowledge and Bliss, wisdom personified, the home of beauty and strength. He is both pervading and pervaded, fraction less, infinite and integral, the Lord of unfailing power, attribute less, vast, transcending speech as well as the other senses, all-seeing, free from blemish, invincible, unattached, devoid of form, free from error, eternal and untainted by Måyå, beyond the realm of Prakæti (Matter), bliss personified, the Lord indwelling the heart of all, the action less Brahma, free from passion and imperishable. In Him error finds no ground to stand upon; can the shades of darkness ever approach the sun?
Ramayana explains in the following lines how does Ram look like? How does HE function? How does HE move? How does HE manage the war? How does HE live with the devotees?
बिनु पद चलइ सुनइ बिनु काना। कर बिनु करम करइ बिधि नाना॥
आनन रहित सकल रस भोगी। बिनु बानी बकता बड़ जोगी॥
तनु बिनु परस नयन बिनु देखा। ग्रहइ घ्रान बिनु बास असेषा॥
असि सब भाँति अलौकिक करनी। महिमा जासु जाइ नहिं बरनी॥
binu pada calai sunai binu kånå, kara binu karama karai bidhi nånå.
ånana rahita sakala rasa bhogi, binu bån∂ bakatå baRa jogi.
tana binu parasa nayana binu dekhå, grahai ghråna binu båsa asesa.
åasi saba bhånti alaukika karani, mahimå jåsu jåi nahiÚ barani.
He walks without feet, hears without ears and performs actions of various kinds even without hands. He enjoys all tastes without a mouth and is a most clever speaker even though devoid of speech. He touches without a body (the tactile sense), sees without eyes and catches all odours even without a nose (the olfactory sense). His ways are thus supernatural in every respect and His glory is beyond description. And the manifestation of Lord Ram is also very thoughtful.
The great epic Ramayana confirms:
ब्यापक ब्रह्म निरंजन निर्गुन बिगत बिनोद।
सो अज प्रेम भगति बस कौसल्या के गोद॥
byåpaka brahma nira≈jana nirguna bigata binoda,
so aja prema bhagati basa kausalyå ke goda.
The unborn and all-pervading Brahma, who is untainted by Måyå, without attributes and devoid of play, has sought shelter in the arms of Kausalyå (mother of Lord Ram) conquered by her love and devotion. Kausalyå is actually the symbol of loving devotion. The root of the word Kausalyå is “KOSH”.
Etymologically Kosh means the center of wealth. The spiritual wealth is the only lasting wealth and this is stored in pure devotions. For the reason, she is known as Kausalyå.
Hence the whole exposition concludes that Lord Ram gets manifested in arms of loving devotion with pure dedications.
Humble Wishes!!!