Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

What do you suggest dear blessed souls?

If a caged bird is given more free space in longer cage to have a little more movements, it brings lot of comfort atleast to open the throat freely to sing the sadness of prison in happy singing mode and to … Continue reading

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To move along-with radius is the correct path….!!!

Start moving from circumference to center and better stop roaming upon circumference only. To move along-with radius is the correct path which reaches to center at an earliest. And there is the real destination. Humble Wishes. ~mrityunjayanand~

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How to effect the quest for the God?

Lord Krishn teaches in Bhagavad Gita: “Then that goal should be sought for, after arriving at which one does not have to turn back again, with a sense of total submission to that primal God whence all worldly life is … Continue reading

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Those who get involved by tricky mind…!!!

Those who get involved by tricky mind with association and support of all the senses to enjoy only ‘I’ games having purely materialistic vision in this valuable life, always ignore the most precious call of the soul.   Their multiple … Continue reading

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Degrading the Soul is violence……!!!


All the miseries are purely personal belongings….!!!

All the miseries are purely personal belongings and own earnings of our previous existences; yet learn to treat all such like “Extra Baggage” being carried under compulsion while performing the life journey. Try to deposit the same in rent free … Continue reading

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