Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

Since both the dedication and the oblation itself are God….!!!

The emancipated man’s yagya is God, what he offers as oblation is God, and the sacred fire to which the sacrifice is made is also God. That is to say that what is offered by the Godlike worshiper to the … Continue reading

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The feeling of attachment persists in men who have got over their concern with the objects of sense….!!!

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Although a man’s association with objects of sense ends when he restrains them from reacting to these objects….!!!

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By apprehending God through the observance of the Way of Selfless Action…..!!!

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God is the ultimate reality……!!!

Many who have taken refuge in God-with single-mindedness and complete detachment, freed equally from passion and passionlessness, fear and fearlessness, anger and absence of anger, and purified by knowledge and penance, have attained to his state…!!! It is not that … Continue reading

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That man has a firm wisdom who is totally free from infatuation….!!!

That man has a firm wisdom who is totally free from infatuation and who neither welcomes good fortune nor repudiates misfortune. That alone is auspicious which draws a Soul to the being of God, whereas that which pulls the mind … Continue reading

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