Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

The celestial rays of Guru’s gracious parental affection are eternal…!!!

 _/l\_ “Humble Wishes”

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God cannot be known if there is even the slightest trace of nature’s properties….!!!

Blinded by feelings associated with the operation of tamas, rajas and sattwa, people fail to perceive the indestructible and the one reality that is God – quite beyond the properties of nature. So God cannot be known if there is … Continue reading

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Flowers of unconditional spiritual love….!!!

 _/l\_ “Humble Wishes”

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Steady devotion to the Self-dominance of the Soul-is adhyatm….!!!

 _/l\_ “Humble Wishes”

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A lotus leaf is untouched by water…!!!

The lotus grows in mud, but its leaf floats above the water. Ripples pass over it night and day, but if you look at the leaf it is always dry. Not a drop of water clings to it.So the lotus … Continue reading

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Sages with perfectly poised minds are freed from material nature during their worldly life itself and always remain spotless…!!!

Sages with perfectly poised minds are freed from material nature during their worldly life itself. But what is the relation between an even mind and conquest of nature? When the world itself is annihilated, what is the position of the … Continue reading

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