Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

Proceed on HIS way step by step…!!!

_/l\_ Humble Wishes!!!  

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Intent Devotion…!!!!

_/l\_ Humble Wishes!!!  

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What may bring about the arising of the…”Longing”?

What may bring about the arising of the ” Longing “?  Number of spans of our life are even too short to share this subject but we can certainly find some way outs as preached by our enlightened masters.Lord Ram has … Continue reading


“O Sadhu! God is the breath of all breath.”

“O Sadhu! God is the breath of all breath.” ~Revered Sage Kabir~ _/l\_ Humble Wishes!!!

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There should be nothing for a devotee except the longed-for God….!!!

Affectionate devotion that attains to the state of divine exaltation is a feeling of tenderness for the desired object, which includes within itself all the experiences of devotees, even pangs of separation and occasional disenchantment and tears. ~Revered Gurudev Swami … Continue reading

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Total abandonment is renunciation, a state in which even will and merits of action cease to be, and prior to which there is only endless giving up of attachment for fulfillment of the spiritual quest. _/l\_ Humble Wishes!!!  

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