Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

Call of the womb is a natural call….and A naked truth too..!!!

We have to complete journey of our Soul through different bodies. This journey is usually interpreted as “sustenance of the physical body.” This Soul, the embodied Self, that we know by the name of Purush- has been doing his physical … Continue reading

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Since the God is immutable… And so the Path is too…!!!

Step by step… Without skipping a single step, One can get elevated to that height, The height which is the ultimate height To watch the Watcher in self. All the masters have shown the same steps, Simply in different modes … Continue reading

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Stability in humility comes at the highest stage of Self Realization…!!!

The man who is blessed with the final outcome of selfless action and who dwells in God-the root of all beings, and who has forsaken desire for the fruits of action because the God who was the goal of his … Continue reading

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We are scared of wetting our feet… Standing on the shores of the immeasurable ocean of knowledge…!!!

We compromise for lesser than our due, Lesser than what ‘Our’ worth is, Lesser than the stock our creator put in us……. Just because We don’t know what we have And Why we are here?  We are scared of wetting … Continue reading

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At the end it is only silence speaking to the silence…..!!!

Whom to speak about truth and reality? When we try to speak about it, its very essence is destroyed, because no worldly words can describe it. When we try to bind it in words, the truth gets spoiled but the … Continue reading

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Dive in,….look deeper and much more deeper…..!!!

No doubt…… We are the creation, and encompass every element of all it’s diversity. Dive in. Look deeper and much more deeper, any treasure is always hidden and only they may find who really dive in and look deeper. “That … Continue reading