श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजुमन हरण भवभय दारुणं ।
नव कंज लोचन कंज मुख कर कंज पद कंजारुणं ॥१॥
कन्दर्प अगणित अमित छवि नव नील नीरद सुन्दरं ।
पटपीत मानहुँ तडित रुचि शुचि नोमि जनक सुतावरं ॥२॥
भजु दीनबन्धु दिनेश दानव दैत्य वंश निकन्दनं ।
रघुनन्द आनन्द कन्द कोशल चन्द दशरथ नन्दनं ॥३॥
शिर मुकुट कुंडल तिलक चारु उदारु अङ्ग विभूषणं ।
आजानु भुज शर चाप धर संग्राम जित खरदूषणं ॥४॥
इति वदति तुलसीदास शंकर शेष मुनि मन रंजनं ।
मम् हृदय कंज निवास कुरु कामादि खलदल गंजनं ॥५॥
मन जाहि राच्यो मिलहि सो वर सहज सुन्दर सांवरो ।
करुणा निधान सुजान शील स्नेह जानत रावरो ॥६॥
एहि भांति गौरी असीस सुन सिय सहित हिय हरषित अली।
तुलसी भवानिहि पूजी पुनि-पुनि मुदित मन मन्दिर चली ॥७॥
जानी गौरी अनुकूल सिय हिय हरषु न जाइ कहि ।
मंजुल मंगल मूल वाम अङ्ग फरकन लगे।
O (Mann) mind! Invoke the benign Shree Ramachandra, the rescuer from the fears of the harsh sansar (world).
Whose eyes are blooming lotuses, face and hands lotus-like, and feet are like lotus —
with the hue of crimson dawn.
His image exceeds myriad Kamadev’s (Cupids), like a fresh, blue-hued cloud — magnificent.
His amber-robes appear like lightening, pure, captivating. Revere this groom of Janaka’s daughter.
Sing hymns of the brother of destitute, Lord of the daylight, the destroyer of the clan of Danu-Diti demons
The progeny of Raghu, limitless ‘anand’ (joy), the moon to Kosala, sing hymns of Dasharatha’s son.
His head bears the crown, ear pendants, tilak (mark) on forehead, his adorned, shapely limbs are resplendent,
Arms extend to the knees, studded with bows-arrows, who won battles against Khar-Dooshanam
Thus says Tulsidas, O joy of Shankara, Shesh (Nag), (Mann) Mind and (Muni) Sages,
Reside in the lotus of my heart, O slayer of the vices-troops of Kaama and the like.
Humble Wishes!!!