Humble Wishes!!!
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Lord Krishn sings:
“He who departs from the body intoning OM,
which is God in word,
and remembering me, attains to liberation.”
The sage who dies with the knowledge that the imperishable God is the one reality achieves the state of sublime bliss.Sri Krishn is a yogi, a seer who has achieved awareness of the ultimate truth.
As a realized sage, an accomplished teacher, he exhorts Arjun to recite OM, symbol of God, and contemplate him. All great Souls are known by the name of the entity to which they attain and into which they are finally assimilated. It is for this reason that Sri Krishn prompts Arjun to utter the name of God but remember his own ( Sri Krishn’s ) form. Let us note that he does not tell Arjun to recite his name.
Sri Krishn has told Arjun that it is he who both strengthens the devotion of such worshippers and determines their rewards. But these rewards are destroyed along with their recipients.
It is useful to remember how Lord Shiv, the initiator of yog, insisted on the recitation of the syllable “Ram” that signifies the omnipresent God who can be experienced only as an inner voice.
Sant Kabir is also said to have committed himself to the constant recitation of the two sounds represented by “ra” and “m.” And Sri Krishn here advocates the usefulness of OM.
God is known by innumerable names, but only that name which prompts and confirms faith in the one God is worthy of constant remembrance and recitation.
Worshippers are rightly cautioned by Sri Krishn that the name they recite time and again must not be one that might incline or encourage them to believe in a multiplicity of gods and goddesses who are nothing more than a bundle of myth.
OM is unique in the sense that it literally betokens that the supreme authority of God inheres in every “me.” So seekers must desist from wandering here and there to find him outside themselves.
It is an accomplished teacher who is kept in view while meditating. Whether we hold on to a Ram, Krishn, or a hermit who is liberated from all desire and pleasure of the senses, or to any other being according to our inclination, we can know them only by actual experience, after which they disclose to us the way to some contemporary and accomplished teacher whose guidance we should slowly but surely follow to conquer the material world.
Novices utter the deity’s name, but hesitate to do so while calling a sage in human form. They are unable to discard the bias of their inherited beliefs. So they call to mind some other false god instead.
But this practice is, as we have seen, forbidden by Yogeshwar Krishn as impious. The proper way is to find refuge in some realized sage, an accomplished or enlightened teacher, who has already gone through the experience.
Fallacious dogmas are then destroyed and the worshipper is enabled to set upon real action as his pious impulses and the capacity to act according to them are rendered sufficiently strong.
So, according to Sri Krishn, the mind is restrained and ultimately dissolved by a simultaneous recitation of OM and remembrance of his form.
This is the point at which the accumulated layers of sanskar-of the merits of action- are dissolved and all the relationships of the body severed forever.
A man is not rid of the body by just physical death.
Humble Wishes!!!