Look deeper and much more deeper, any treasure is always hidden and only they may find who really dive in and look deeper…..!!!

No doubt
We are the creation,
encompass every element of all it’s diversity.
Dive in.
Look deeper and much more deeper,
any treasure is always hidden
only they may find who really dive in and look deeper.
“That intellect is immaculate,
O Parth,
which is aware of the essence,
the way of inclination as also of renunciation,
worthy and unworthy action,
fear and fearlessness,
and of bondage and liberation”
sings Bhagavad Gita..!!!
The righteous,
morally good intellect is that which is aware of the distinction
the way that leads to God
the way to recurrent birth and death.
Leading to a life time of satiation
un-satiated desires & attachments.
Choice is always open..
Choice is ours.
The Soul dwelling in the sphere of the heart
even closer than one’s hands, feet, and mind.
Whether we do good or evil,
HE is unconcerned.
HE just stands as a witness-an onlooker (updrashta)
at this initial stage
Where we are.

Om 3_/l\_
Humble Wishes.
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