around the globe at a very large scale.
Each religion and institution are defining this as per own choice, learning and conception.
I am sharing teachings of Sri Krishna from Bhagavad Gita (approximately 5200 yeras ago) and Maharshi Patanjali (thosand years ago) from his Yog Sutras as both the Indian scriptures are well known around the globe
which throw light upon this metaphysical term.
Lord Krishna sings in Chapter Five of Bhagavad Gita:
स्पर्शान्कृत्वा बहिर्बाह्यांश्चक्षुश्चैवान्तरे भ्रुवोः ।
“That sage is liberated forever who shuts out of his mind all objects of sensual pleasure, keeps his eyes centered between the two brows, regulates his Pran and apan, conquers his senses, mind and intellect, and whose mind is fixed on salvation.”
Revered Gurudev has taught me the interpretation of this verse as being mentioned below:
“It is the vital need of excluding from the mind all thoughts of external objects as well as of keeping eyes fixed steadily between the two brows. Keeping eyes between the brows does not simply mean concentrating them at something. It is rather that while the worshipper is sitting erect, his eyes should be pointed ahead in a straight line from the midpoint between the brows; they should not wander about restlessly and look right and left.
Keeping the eyes aligned with the ridge of the nose-we must be careful that we do not start watching the nose-and balancing Pran against Apan and keeping the eyes steadily fixed all the while, we should direct the vision of mind (surat), to the breath and let him watch it: when does the breath go in, how long is it held-if it is held in for only half a second, we should not try to prolong it by force, and how long does it stay out?
It is hardly necessary to say that the name in the breath will ring audibly. Thus, when the vision of mind learns to concentrate steadily on the inhaled and exhaled breath, breathing will gradually become constant, firm, and balanced. There will be then neither generation of inner desires nor assaults on the mind and heart by desires from external sources. Thoughts of external pleasure have already been shut out; now there will not even arise inner desires.
Contemplation then stands steady and straight like a stream of oil. A stream of oil does not descend like water, drop by drop; it comes down in a constant, unbroken line. Similar to this is the motion of the breath of a sage of attainment. So, the man, who has balanced his Pran and Apan, conquered his senses, mind and intellect, freed himself from desire, and fear and anger, perfected contemplative discipline, and taken refuge in salvation, is ever liberated.

And now, Patanjali Yog Sutra, Vibhuti Pad Sutra defines this metaphysical term and says:
तत्र प्रत्ययैकतानता ध्यानम् ॥
Dhyan is the unbroken unidimensional flow of Vritti (disposition).
The Vritti revolves unceasingly round the object where the mind is placed, this is DHYAN.
Revered Gurudev says: “Dhyan implies. incessant oil like flow of contemplation along with steady, stable breathing, noninterference of any other thoughts except the chanting of OM….OM…..OM.
In DHYAN the Vritti or the disposition runs in unison or unilaterally.
If any other thoughts happen to intrude, it breaks the intensity of Dhyan.
In meditation the meditator and the object of meditation exist but it is all effortless,
without any awareness of the efforts made in meditation.
Gradually the DHYAN goes subtler and only object of the Dhyan remains in sight.
Then the state of Samadhi (trans) appears.

Now I very cordially invite everyone who read this post to throw light upon this metaphysical term in details and share whether the concepts which are in their mind is the same as mentioned above already or differ and if differ then what the other is the linage with detailed explanations?

Humble Wishes.