A Devotional Plea
अब कृपा करो श्री राम नाथ दुख टारो।
इस भव बंधन के भय से हमें उबारौ।
Now, please show mercy, Lord Ram, and relieve me of my sorrows.
Rescue me from the fear of the bonds of this worldly existence.
तुम कृपा सिंधु रघुनाथ नाथ हो मेरे ।
मैं अधम पड़ा हूँ चरण कमल पर तेरे।
You are the ocean of compassion, Raghunath, my Lord.
I, a wretched being, lie at your lotus feet.
I, a wretched being, lie at your lotus feet.
हे नाथ। तनिक तो हमरी ओर निहारो।
अब कृपा करो …
O Lord, kindly cast a glance in my direction.
Now, please show mercy…
Now, please show mercy…
मैं पंगु दीन हौं हीन छीन हौं दाता ।
अब तुम्हें छोड़ कित जाउं तुम्हीं पितु माता ।
I am crippled, destitute, lowly, and stripped of everything, O Giver.
Where else can I go, leaving you—you are my father and mother.
Where else can I go, leaving you—you are my father and mother.
मैं गिर न कहीं प्रभु जाऊँ आय सम्हारो।
अब कृपा करो …
I might fall, O Lord; I have come to you, so please sustain me.
Now, please show mercy…
Now, please show mercy…
मन काम क्रोध मद लोभ मांहि है अटका ।
मम जीव आज लगि लाख योनि है भटका ।
My mind is trapped in desire, anger, pride, and greed.
My soul has wandered through countless births up till now.
My soul has wandered through countless births up till now.
अब आवागमन छुड़ाय नाथ मोहि तारो।
अब कृपा करो श्री राम नाथ दुख टारो ॥
Now, please end this cycle of rebirths, O Lord, and grant me salvation.
Now, please show mercy, Lord Ram, and relieve me of my sorrows.
Now, please show mercy, Lord Ram, and relieve me of my sorrows.
विनम्र शुभेक्षाओं सहित,