What do you suggest dear blessed souls?

If a caged bird is given more free space
in longer cage to have a little more movements,
it brings lot of comfort atleast to open the throat freely
to sing the sadness of prison
in happy singing mode
to spend the remaining life with compromising attitude
the destined situation.

Dreams of freedom almost get lost
but rest of the life span becomes easier
live in easy installments.

 Likewise soul is imprisoned in the cage our physical body.

We waste most precious life after life spans
simply in arguing and discussing about lot many theories
it’s liberation and that too even if really could manage to contemplate
true terms and decisive directions.

We choose the theories which suit to us
as per own conveniences
satisfying our terms, thoughts and ego.

Can we do not have a thought with the help of our mind and senses
to allow a little free space in our physical body;
independent from the tight grip of six vices
named as
Passion, Wrath
Greed, Delusion
Vanity and Malice,
our caged soul to breath properly in spiritual breeze
sing divine celestial songs
till it’s total emancipation
even after having our enough hunger for materialistic lust
which always obstructs in dreaming
for souls’ liberation?

What do you suggest dear blessed souls?

This is the initial tip
to such who really wish
to traverse upon
Path of Self Realization.

Humble Wishes!!!

Photo Courtesy:
~My Disability Pride~

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To move along-with radius is the correct path….!!!

Start moving from circumference to center
better stop roaming
circumference only.

To move along-with radius
the correct path
which reaches to center
an earliest.

And there is the real destination.

Humble Wishes.

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How to effect the quest for the God?

Lord Krishn teaches in Bhagavad Gita:

“Then that goal should be sought for,
after arriving at which
one does not have to turn back again,
with a sense of total submission to that primal God
whence all worldly life is born.”

But how to effect the quest for this God?

The Yogeshwar lays down that self-surrender is an essential condition for it.
There should be the feeling that “I am at the mercy of God”-the Infinite Being
from whom the primordial world-tree has sprouted and grown.
This tree cannot be cut down without seeking shelter under him.

Lord Krishn then speaks about the signs
from which
one may realize that the tree has been cut down.

“Men of knowledge who are free from vanity and delusion,
victorious against the evil of infatuation,
ever-abiding in the Supreme Spirit,
total devoid of desire,
liberated from the contradictions of joy and grief,
achieve the eternal goal.”

The destruction of vanity, delusion, infatuation,
desire and of the contradictions of pleasure and pain is possible
only by complete self-surrender to and abiding constantly in God.

Only through this do men of true wisdom attain to the eternal state.

The world-tree cannot be severed without this attainment

renunciation is needed up to this point.

~Revered Gurudev Swami Adgadanand Jee Paramhans~

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Those who get involved by tricky mind…!!!

Those who get involved by tricky mind
with association and support of all the senses
to enjoy only ‘I’ games
having purely materialistic vision
this valuable life,
always ignore
the most precious call of the soul.
Their multiple fractured ego,
forces to walk upon such a path
 leads to degradation of soul,
accepting as main object of life
at a later stage.

They have to lose tenderness, beauty, compassion, spiritual repose and consistency
which are noted to traverse
the path of spiritual fulfillment
perfect skill
being the essential divine characters of the self.

Humble Wishes.
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Degrading the Soul is violence……!!!


All the miseries are purely personal belongings….!!!

All the miseries are purely personal belongings
own earnings of our previous existences;
yet learn to treat all such like
“Extra Baggage”
being carried under compulsion
while performing the life journey.

Try to deposit the same
in rent free God’s Valuables Home at an earliest
unlimited period
total surrender.

Have free hands and mind
dive deep in ocean of spirituality
attainment of ultimate bliss
celestial pleasures.

This is the only key to face the circumstances
upset us
push in painful grips

Humble Wishes.

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