Lead me from falsehood to truth…!!!!

Lord Krishn sings in Bhagavad Gita:

nā’sato vidyate bhāvo nā’bhāvo vidyate sataḥ,
ubhayor api dṛṣṭo’ntas tv anayos tattvadarśibhiḥ

The unreal has no being and the real has no non-being;
and the truth about both has also been seen
men who know the reality.’’

The unreal has no existence; it has no being and so bringing it to an end is out of the question.
On the other hand, there is no absence of the real in all time-past, present or future.
Arjun then asks Sri Krishn whether he is saying this as an incarnation of God.
Lord Krishn’s reply to this is that the distinction
the real and the unreal has also been revealed to sages
who have realized the true nature of the human Soul
identical with the Supreme Spirit pervading the universe.
That is to say that Lord Krishn of the Geeta is a seer
who has gained an insight into reality.
What, after all, are true and false, real and unreal?

Lord Krishn adds:

avināśi tu tad viddhi yena sarvam idam tatam,
vināśam avyayasyā’sya na kaścit kartum arhati 

“Know that since the Spirit which pervades the universe is imperishable and immutable,
no one can effect his destruction.”

That which spreads through and is present in every atom of the universe is indestructible.
No one is capable of destroying the imperishable principle.
But what is the name of this deathless amrit? Who is he?

Lord Krishn sings:

antavanta ime dehā nityasyo’ktāḥ śarīriṇaḥ,
anāśino’prameyasya tasmād yudhyasva bhārata 

“Fight, O Bharat (Arjun),
because while the bodies which clothe the Soul are said to come to an end,
the embodied Spirit itself is for ever,
and boundless.’’

Arjun is exhorted to get up and fight
because all these physical bodies that embody the indwelling, boundless,
eternal Spirit are said to be ephemeral.

This Spirit, the Self, is imperishable, and it cannot be destroyed at any time.
The Self is real, whereas the physical body is subject to death,
so unreal and nonexistent at all times.


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Lead me from darkness to light….!!!

Lord Krishn sings in Bhagavad Gita;

jyotisāmapi tajjyotistamasah paramucyate
jñānam jñeyam jñānagamyam hrdi sarvasya visthitam

“The light among lights and said to be beyond darkness,
that God,
the embodiment of knowledge,
worthy of being known,
and attainable only through knowledge,
dwells in the hearts of all.’’

The awareness that comes with intuitive perception is knowledge.
And by this knowledge alone can there be realization of God.
He dwells in the hearts of all;
the heart is his dwelling and we cannot find him if we search for him anywhere else.
Therefore, it is laid down by the canon that God can be attained
through inner contemplation and conduct of yog.


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Total abandonment is renunciation….!!!

Total abandonment is renunciation,
a state in which even will and merits of action cease to be,
prior to which there is only endless giving up of attachment
for fulfillment of the spiritual quest.
Lord Krishn sings in Bhagavad Gita:
“Whereas the triple returns-good, bad, and mixed-of
covetous people’s actions,
issue forth even after death,
the actions of people who have renounced all,
do not ever bear any fruits.’’
The deeds of avaricious men produce consequences
arise even after death.
These consequences indeed persist through endless births.
But the actions of those who have relinquished all-of true sanyasi
(so called because they have given up all their possessions)-
do not bear fruits at any time.
This is complete renunciation the highest stage of spiritual seeking.

~Revered Gurudev Swami Adgadanand Jee Paramhans~

Humble Wishes.


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Body is finally set now to initiate the last phase of my life…..!!!

Nature itself is a cheat.
It does not have a firm existence because it is changeable.
Because of the mutable character of nature,
person changes the face mask for gratification of own mind and senses
hunger of self appraisal
enjoy sensual pleasure as per requirement of the situation
this mortal life for survival.
Person forgets that the whole game is quite temporary
his/her naked face has to get exposed sooner or later.
It becomes the compulsion of time
eyes are not set on truth in such a state of mind.
So as is the person’s mental status,
personality gets converted in the same moulding
with an option of bearing several masks at a time.
That’s why personality becomes very deceptive
it camouflages true character.
But such who really struggle to get victory over nature,
to enter in transcendental stages,
do not need to have any mask.
Their personality is never deceptive.
With gracious compassion of most revered Gurudev,
body is finally set now to initiate the last phase of my life.

I do not know how it will end but its end is certainly
in lotus feet of my totally accomplished master
looking for further divine instructions
with necessary spiritual strength
to struggle onward for rendering my services to Him
till my soul gets finally liberated by His grace.
Humble Wishes.


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Of course each of us know about our love which need not any sort of disclosure…..!!!

Love with connectivity is attachment
without connectivity is adoration of God

Attachment tells:
“Every thing is mine”
adoration tells:
“Every thing is thyne”.

Of course each of us know
about our love
which need not
any sort of disclosure.


Humble Wishes.

Photo Gratitude:Face Book.


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We have to complete journey of our Soul through different bodies…..!!!

We have to complete journey of our Soul through different bodies.

This journey is usually interpreted as “sustenance of the physical body.”

This Soul, the embodied Self,
that we know
by the name of Purush-has been doing his physical journey
through endless lives.

When clothes are worn out,
we change them and put on new ones.
Just so, this whole world, from lowest creatures to most highly evolved,

Through births, low and high,
this Soul has been making his physical journey
since an unknown beginning.

This journey has to be completed by all means.
If there is yet to be another birth,
the journey is still incomplete.
The seeker is still on his way,
travelling through bodies.
A journey is complete only when the destination is reached.

Only an endeavour made over a number of lives
effects this ultimate accomplishment.
The yogi who practises diligent meditation is well rid of all kinds of impiety
then attains to the final beatitude.
This is the way of attainment.

Setting out on the path of yog with but a feeble effort
initiated into it when the mind is yet restless,
he is admitted to the family of an accomplished teacher
with the undertaking of meditation in life after life,
he at last arrives at the point called salvation-
the state in which the Soul is merged into God.

The seed of this yog is never annihilated.
If we just take a couple of steps,
the merits earned from them are never destroyed.

A man of true faith can embark upon the ordained action
in every circumstance of worldly life.

Questions are:

Was this the song of “my” creation beyond “my” creation?
Was this “my” reality beyond “my” existence?
Was it the call of the womb of my creation,
mildly reassuring my connect to it,
through an unseen telepathic umbilical & an amniotic engulfing my entirety “i” seem to believe & call “my creation”?

Search the answer now
Dear blessed one…
In light of above mentioned lines.

Call of the womb is a natural call..
A naked truth too…
with all those experiences you had already….
And are bound to have much more now
may be little more terrible…
in this house of sorrows
to which Lord Krishna defines as

But the way outs are there…
There are way outs……
As how to get rid of such frequent calls of womb?

Be firmly devoted to God,
Constantly remember God
and get absorbed in God,
Realize God with ease.

Attainment to the ultimate state are no longer subject to transient rebirth.

Inspired by post of dear Dilip Sharma,

Was this the song of “my” creation beyond “my” creation?
Was this “my” reality beyond “my” existence?
Was it the call of the womb of my creation,
mildly reassuring my connect to it,
through an unseen telepathic umbilical & an amniotic engulfing my entirety “i” seem to believe & call “my creation”?

Humble Wishes.

Photo Gratitude:Face Book.

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