Whom to speak about truth and reality?

Bolana kya kahiye re bhaai.

Bolat bolat tatt nasaai.
Bolat-bolat badhe bikaara.
Bin bole kyu hoi bichaara.

Sant mile kachhu kahiye-kahiye.
Mile asant musti kari rahiye.
Gyani so bolya hitakaaree.
Moorakh so bolya jhakh mare.

Kahe Kabir aadhaa Ghat bole
Poora rahe to mukha na bole.


Whom to speak about truth and reality?

When we try to speak about it,
its very essence is destroyed,
no worldly words can describe it.

When we try to bindit in words,
the truth gets spoiled
the difficulty is that how can you tell someonewithout speaking
how they will be able to understand?

So it is better to speak to Saints
don’t tell anything to unwise people.

Speaking to wise is fruitful,
but telling to ignorant people does much more harm.

Kabir says that half filled pot makes a lot of noise,
but filled pot remains silent.

So is true about spiritual progress.
When people progress a little, they talk a lot,
but when they realize the ultimate truth…..
there is no other option but to be silent
because at the end
it is only silence speaking to the silence.

~Revered Kabir~

Truth and Reality...!!!_/l\_
Humble Wishes.

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My land is a sorrowless land….!!!

Lord Krishn sings in Bhagavad Gita:

न तद्भासयते सूर्यो न शशाङ्को न पावकः
यद्गत्वा न निवर्तंते तद्धाम परमं मम
na tadbhāsayate sūryo na śaśāṅko na pāvakaḥ
yadgatvā na nivartaṁte taddhāma paramaṁ mama

“That after reaching which there is no return,
and which is illumined
the sun
the moon,
by fire,
my supreme abode.’’
After this ultimate home has once been reached,
there is no rebirth.
And everyone has an equal right to it.

O Sadho...!!!
Humble Wishes.

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Look deeper and much more deeper, any treasure is always hidden and only they may find who really dive in and look deeper…..!!!

No doubt
We are the creation,
encompass every element of all it’s diversity.
Dive in.
Look deeper and much more deeper,
any treasure is always hidden
only they may find who really dive in and look deeper.
“That intellect is immaculate,
O Parth,
which is aware of the essence,
the way of inclination as also of renunciation,
worthy and unworthy action,
fear and fearlessness,
and of bondage and liberation”
sings Bhagavad Gita..!!!
The righteous,
morally good intellect is that which is aware of the distinction
the way that leads to God
the way to recurrent birth and death.
Leading to a life time of satiation
un-satiated desires & attachments.
Choice is always open..
Choice is ours.
The Soul dwelling in the sphere of the heart
even closer than one’s hands, feet, and mind.
Whether we do good or evil,
HE is unconcerned.
HE just stands as a witness-an onlooker (updrashta)
at this initial stage
Where we are.

Om 3_/l\_
Humble Wishes.
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Flowers of reverence at these sacred coming moments of Guru Poornima…..!!!

IT is the mercy of my true Guru
that has made me to know

I have learned from Him how to walk without feet,
to see without eyes,
to hear without ears,
to drink without mouth,
to fly without wings;
I have brought my love and my meditation into the land
where there is no sun and moon,
day and night.

~Revered Sage Kabir~

Photo 5

Humble Wishes.

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A truly enlightened Guru…..!!!

Brahmaanandham Parama Sukhadam
Kevalam Jnaana Murthim
Dhvandhvaa Theetham Gagana Sadhrisham
Tathvam AsyaadLakshyam

Ekam Nithyam Vimalam Achalam
Sarvadhee Saakshi Bhutham
Bhavaatheetham Thriguna Rahitham
Sadhgurum Tham Namaami…..!!!!

A truly enlightened Guru
the supreme Bliss of Brahmaananda
(transcedental divine bliss),
enjoys and confers
changeless supreme happiness.

He is beyond space and time
(there is nothing higher than him).
He is the embodiment of wisdom
which is the basis
all types of knowledge.

He transcends the pair of opposites
(such as happiness and sorrow, gain and loss).

He is more Omnipresent than space itself.

He is the very embodiment of the Divine principle,
which is the inner meaning of the four great pronouncements
Prajnaanam Brahma,
Aham Brahmasmi,
Thath Thvam Asi
Ayam Aathma Brahma.

He is One without a second (ekam).

He never changes under any circumstances (nithyam).

He is without any type of impurity (vimalam).

He is steady and motionless(achalam).

He is the witness of everything.

He transcends mental comprehension and verbal explanation.

He is beyond the three gunas
(sathva, rajas and thamas).

I offer my humble salutations
such a Guru
these qualities.

Photo 4

Humble Wishes.

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Metaphysical concept of real birthday….!!!

Sings Lord Krishn in Bhagavad Gita:

karmaṇai’va hi sansiddhim āsthitā janakādayaḥ……

“Janak” is an epithet of father-the giver of life.
Yog, the way by which the individual Soul may be united
with the Supreme Spirit
thus secure absolution, is janak,
for it brings out and manifests the embodied Soul.

All those who are endowed with yog are sages like Janak.
Many such great person possessing true wisdom have also achieved the final bliss
through action aimed at the ultimate attainment.
“Ultimate” stands for realization of the essence
the Supreme Spirit represents.

Real birthday is the day
when one gets refuge
in any really accomplished and totally enlightened sage
divine arrangement
as a result of spiritual austerities
starts own journey for attainment of ultimate bliss,
attainment of which
the cycle of birth and death ends forever.

Photo 2_/l\_
Humble Wishes.

Photo Credit: Face Book.

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