Even if the Soul is rewarded with what it desires,
it will have to assume a body
in order to enjoy it.
So long as the process of coming and going,
of birth and death lasts,
how can there be ultimate redemption?
A seeker should not desire even absolution,
for absolution is total freedom from passions.
Thinking over the acquisition of rewards if he gets any,
his worship is interrupted.
Renouncing attachment to all things,
seen as well as unseen,
and giving up all concern about achievement and non-achievement,
we should only keep our eyes fixed on yog,
the discipline
that joins the individual Soul
with the Supreme Spirit,
and lead a life of strenuous action.
~Swami Adgadanand Jee Paramhans.
A seeker should not desire even absolution,
for absolution is total freedom from passions
while traversing upon
“Path of Self Realization”
Humble Wishes.