भये प्रगट कृपाला दीनदयाला! (The Compassionate and Merciful Lord Appeared)

भये प्रगट कृपाला दीनदयाला…….!!!!!
The compassionate and merciful Lord appeared.




भए प्रगट कृपाला दीनदयाला,
कौसल्या हितकारी ।
हरषित महतारी, मुनि मन हारी,
अद्भुत रूप बिचारी ॥
The compassionate and merciful Lord appeared, bringing joy to Kaushalya.
Mother Kaushalya was overjoyed, and sages’ minds were captivated by His wondrous form.


लोचन अभिरामा, तनु घनस्यामा,
निज आयुध भुजचारी ।
भूषन बनमाला, नयन बिसाला,
सोभासिंधु खरारी ॥
His eyes were pleasing, His body dark like rain clouds, and He held His divine weapons in His four arms.
Adorned with jewelry and a garland of forest flowers, His large eyes were mesmerizing, and He was the destroyer of demons.


कह दुइ कर जोरी, अस्तुति तोरी,
केहि बिधि करूं अनंता ।
माया गुन ग्यानातीत अमाना,
वेद पुरान भनंता ॥
With folded hands, Kaushalya praised Him, wondering how to properly glorify the Infinite.
He is beyond illusion, qualities, and knowledge; the Vedas and Puranas describe Him.


करुना सुख सागर, सब गुन आगर,
जेहि गावहिं श्रुति संता ।
सो मम हित लागी, जन अनुरागी,
भयउ प्रगट श्रीकंता ॥
The ocean of compassion and bliss, filled with all virtues, is praised by saints and scriptures.
For my benefit and out of love for His devotees, Shri Ram, manifested Himself.


ब्रह्मांड निकाया, निर्मित माया,
रोम रोम प्रति बेद कहै ।
मम उर सो बासी, यह उपहासी,
सुनत धीर मति थिर न रहै ॥
The Vedas state that every particle of His being contains infinite universes, created by His illusion.
He dwells in my heart; this truth humbles me, and hearing it makes even the wise lose their composure.


उपजा जब ग्याना, प्रभु मुसुकाना,
चरित बहुत बिधि कीन्ह चहै ।
कहि कथा सुहाई, मातु बुझाई,
जेहि प्रकार सुत प्रेम लहै ॥
As this understanding arose, the Lord smiled, desiring to perform various divine plays.
He spoke to Kaushalya sweetly, reassuring her and expressing the love He wished to share.


माता पुनि बोली, सो मति डोली,
तजहु तात यह रूपा ।
कीजै सिसुलीला, अति प्रियसीला,
यह सुख परम अनूपा ॥
The mother, still overwhelmed, asked Him to leave His divine form.
She requested Him to assume a childlike form, finding unique joy in His infant playfulness.


सुनि बचन सुजाना, रोदन ठाना,
होइ बालक सुरभूपा ।
यह चरित जे गावहिं, हरिपद पावहिं,
ते न परहिं भवकूपा ॥
Hearing her request, the wise Lord pretended to cry, taking on the guise of a child.
Those who sing of these divine acts attain the Lord’s feet and are liberated from the cycle of rebirth.


बिप्र धेनु सुर संत हित,
लीन्ह मनुज अवतार ।
निज इच्छा निर्मित तनु,
माया गुन गो पार ॥
For the welfare of Noble, Cows (mind), Gods, and Seekers, He took human form.
By His own will, He assumed a body beyond illusion and qualities.


– तुलसीदास रचित, रामचरित मानस, बालकाण्ड-192
Composed by Tulsidas, Ramcharitmanas, Bal Kand – 192


विनम्र शुभेक्षाओं सहित।
~ मृत्युञ्जयानन्द।
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