सुनता हैं गुरु ज्ञानी गगन में,
The one anointed by the Guru, hears
Soft melodious, cosmic sounds saying
Your soul originated from “naad bindu” [dot of celestial music]
And here you hoard water [referring to things which by their very nature flow freely]
The whole world says repeatedly, This is how it is and must be.
While Brahma is Himself without words. [noiseless]
The one anointed by the Guru, hears
Soft melodious, cosmic sounds saying
Your soul arrived from There to an address in this world
For quenching its own thirst (desire for God)
But leaving Nectar you are drinking Poison again and again
Going in reverse, you now toss and turn in your own trap.
The one anointed by the Guru, hears
Soft melodious, cosmic sounds saying
The celestial cow [of knowledge] Brahman is milked
God makes curd for benefit of everyone
Knowledgeable, wise men reach for the creamy layer
Buttermilk is what the world remains content with.
The one anointed by the Guru, hears
Soft melodious, cosmic sounds saying
Instead of seeing earth, see it as merely a sphere [planet]
Seeing a lake, understand it is nothing but water
Celestial sphere lights up [when one experiences this Principle]
So says the voice and words of the Guru.
The one anointed by the Guru, hears
Soft melodious, cosmic sounds saying
Oham, Soham surround
Trikuti sacred land [relaxed inner self] is wonderful
Ida, Pingala and sukhmana energies flow freely
upon listening to devotional songs.
The one anointed by the Guru, hears
Soft melodious, cosmic sounds saying
Says Kabir, Listen O knowledgeable, wise man.
Understand the world of “Agam” which works all day long with just a single glance to look after the universe. Un-moving and eternal remains that sign.
The one anointed by the Guru, hears
Soft melodious, cosmic sounds saying….!!!
~ Kabir ~
A whisper from “My way to path of Self Realization”…………
Humble Wishes!!!!
Gratitude: YouTube.