What do you suggest dear blessed souls?

If a caged bird is given more free space
in longer cage to have a little more movements,
it brings lot of comfort atleast to open the throat freely
to sing the sadness of prison
in happy singing mode
to spend the remaining life with compromising attitude
the destined situation.

Dreams of freedom almost get lost
but rest of the life span becomes easier
live in easy installments.

 Likewise soul is imprisoned in the cage our physical body.

We waste most precious life after life spans
simply in arguing and discussing about lot many theories
it’s liberation and that too even if really could manage to contemplate
true terms and decisive directions.

We choose the theories which suit to us
as per own conveniences
satisfying our terms, thoughts and ego.

Can we do not have a thought with the help of our mind and senses
to allow a little free space in our physical body;
independent from the tight grip of six vices
named as
Passion, Wrath
Greed, Delusion
Vanity and Malice,
our caged soul to breath properly in spiritual breeze
sing divine celestial songs
till it’s total emancipation
even after having our enough hunger for materialistic lust
which always obstructs in dreaming
for souls’ liberation?

What do you suggest dear blessed souls?

This is the initial tip
to such who really wish
to traverse upon
Path of Self Realization.

Humble Wishes!!!

Photo Courtesy:
~My Disability Pride~

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