And even knowing after every thing… every thing is still left to be known, such is my celestial activity…

Shhhhhhh !
You know nothing,
even if you know some thing
O’ dear devotee!!!

And even knowing after every thing…
every thing is still left to be known,
such is my celestial activity…..keep this in mind always.

Yes, I have chosen you,
as You have choosen me with single minded devotion.
I hold you by hand
and have taken all along to experience ME.
Every moment with hues floating on this dance floor
I have laid the music and the lights ..subtle and sublime
just for you to dance to my mystical tune
for that is the path dear devotee, my dearest devotee.

When you crave for me,
I abide in the Soul and begins to instruct you,
because only then does real worship begin.

Only when I descend into heart at the level at which you stand,
begin to check and guide,
and support in case you stumble,
only then is the mind fully restrained.

Unless I stand by as a charioteer,
close to the Soul as a prompter,
there cannot be an adequate initiation to my path.
Before this the adorer is on trial; he has not yet achieved the state of true worship.

This yog, transmitted by your truly enlightened Guru
into the breath of yours
thereafter flowing from breath into the mind,
thence to longing (or aspiration),
and from that to active practice,
thus developing by gradual stages,
reaches the royal stage and is then revealed to the seeker.

At this stage,
the Cosmic sound between manifested and unmanifested….
a creative sound……
beats so hard hitting and stroking one.

Yes, it comes all of a sudden when you think of ME
it holds all there in pulsing beat
the heart follows its pulse
with sensitising irate and vibes
on fabric forehead and head..

Yes….it says so soft, with every beat of my name
taking you away into temple of none
a meeting point to gleam without a lamp
it holds you there with “Nada”* beating my name…
and that is certainly a Beat beyond the heart beat.

still you know nothing,
even if you know some thing.

And even knowing after every thing…
every thing is still left to be known,
such is my celestial activity…..keep this in mind always.


Humble Wishes.


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