Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

The toughest task while maintaining the pace of living a seeker’s life….!!!

Journey from fake exterior decorations of physical life to real interior decorations of inner realm in metaphysical life is the toughest task while maintaining the pace of living a seeker’s life by struggling with different roaring thought layers of ever … Continue reading


You, O infinite, are the primal God……!!!

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Real spiritual pain of a true seeker…!!!!

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Absolute peace…..!!!

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It is Only a Living, Totally Accomplished and Enlightened Guru who can Manage to Play the Part of Mother, Father and Grandsire, all the Three at a Time in a Single Span of Human Life…!!!

I have always been contemplating for years and years to understand exactly what Lord Krishn intends to convey to his dearest disciple Arjun when in Bhagavad Gita he sings:   “pitāhamasya jagato mātā dhātā pitāmahah”   …….“And I too am … Continue reading

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Words are words simply…. An empty attempt to whisper about Absolute….!!!

Words are words simply, An empty attempt to whisper about Absolute ! How that we can measure in whispering which is indescribable, beyond the reach of the words and can only be experienced in silence? And silence can be gained … Continue reading

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