Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

Let me touch you with your need to touch the Soul……!!!

“Touch of The Soul “ The embodied Soul itself is for ever, indestructible, and boundless. The Self, the God within soul, is neither at any time born nor does HE at any time die. “Neither ever born nor dying, neither … Continue reading

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Why path of Self Realization should be our first choice…???

Why path of Self Realization should be our first choice with reasoning if we are really serious with our concerns instead always tending to attach and over attach ourselves to the material world with materialistic vision for the cause of … Continue reading

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What is control of the mind?

Control really means being indifferent to the vagaries of the mind. It is difficult to control the mind, just as it is difficult to confine air in one’s grasp. How can anyone control the mind which is all-pervading in the … Continue reading


Could a person be initiated in a previous lifetime and then acquire only fragments of initiation in their current one?

Could a person be initiated in a previous lifetime and then acquire only fragments of initiation in their current one? Though it may appear that I am asking this question so that an answer can be directed at me, my … Continue reading

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When I am parted from my Beloved, my heart is full of misery….!!!

Photo Courtesy: Face Book.

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All actions are fully dissolved in this knowledge…..!!!

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