Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

A yogeshwar, an accomplished teacher…!!!

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O enlightened one, I have been a yogi….!!!

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Beloved is beloved…!!!!

ON this tree is a bird: it dances in the joy of life. None knows where it is: and who knows what the burden of its music may be? Where the branches throw a deep shade, there does it have … Continue reading


“Know that whatever is possessed of glory, beauty, and strength has arisen from my own splendour…..!!!”

यद्यद्विभूतिमत्सत्त्वं श्रीमदूर्जितमेव वा। तत्तदेवावगच्छ त्वं मम तेजोंशसंभवम्॥ yadyadvibhūtimatsattvam śrīmadūrjitameva vā tattadevāvagaccha tvam mama tejomśasambhavam “Know that whatever is possessed of glory, beauty, and strength has arisen from my own splendour.’’ ~Bhagavad Gita~

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Oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ….!!!

The man who is blessed with the final outcome of selfless action and who dwells in God-the root of all beings, and who has forsaken desire for the fruits of action because the God who was the goal of his … Continue reading


Lead me from death to the immortality…!!!

Lord Krishn sings in Bhagavad Gita: “The yogi who is firmly devoted to me, and who constantly remembers me and is absorbed in me, realizes me with ease.” Sri Krishn is easily attained to by the worshiper who has no … Continue reading

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