Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

Lead me from falsehood to truth…!!!!

Lord Krishn sings in Bhagavad Gita: nā’sato vidyate bhāvo nā’bhāvo vidyate sataḥ, ubhayor api dṛṣṭo’ntas tv anayos tattvadarśibhiḥ“ The unreal has no being and the real has no non-being; and the truth about both has also been seen by men … Continue reading

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Lead me from darkness to light….!!!

Lord Krishn sings in Bhagavad Gita; jyotisāmapi tajjyotistamasah paramucyate jñānam jñeyam jñānagamyam hrdi sarvasya visthitam “The light among lights and said to be beyond darkness, that God, the embodiment of knowledge, worthy of being known, and attainable only through knowledge, … Continue reading

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Total abandonment is renunciation….!!!

Total abandonment is renunciation, a state in which even will and merits of action cease to be, and prior to which there is only endless giving up of attachment for fulfillment of the spiritual quest.   Lord Krishn sings in … Continue reading

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Body is finally set now to initiate the last phase of my life…..!!!

Nature itself is a cheat. It does not have a firm existence because it is changeable.   Because of the mutable character of nature, person changes the face mask for gratification of own mind and senses and hunger of self … Continue reading

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Of course each of us know about our love which need not any sort of disclosure…..!!!

Love with connectivity is attachment and without connectivity is adoration of God with intent devotion, dedication and surrender. Attachment tells: “Every thing is mine” and adoration tells: “Every thing is thyne”. Of course each of us know about our love … Continue reading

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We have to complete journey of our Soul through different bodies…..!!!

We have to complete journey of our Soul through different bodies. This journey is usually interpreted as “sustenance of the physical body.” This Soul, the embodied Self, that we know by the name of Purush-has been doing his physical journey … Continue reading

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