Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

The root cause for emergence of aspects hindering one’s dedication…!!!

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True spirituality starts revealing it’s original colour which is everlasting…!!!

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One who does not get trapped…..!!!

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Total accomplishment and result of pure and complete transformation in divine path…..!!!

Not always but sometimes it’s really interesting to look back in past moments of life and assess the new changes which took place in the gross corporal frame of physical body, then in the form of subtle body…..components of which … Continue reading

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Delusion subsides only when the desired God is attained and the merits/demerits of previous deeds are reduced to nothing…..!!!!

Strokes of crust of earned merits and demerits earned during the cycle of past births and rebirths always keep the mind instigating and never allow us to be in the state of perfect equipoise. We can never attain even the … Continue reading

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Getting tired honestly means one is walking the path truly…..!!!

Getting tired honestly means one is walking the path truly. Mind and senses have it’s own capacity and can never get stretched beyond a permissible limit. One may relax but under the strict spiritual disciplines to regain the strength without … Continue reading