Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

An innocent silence of a seeker’s pain….!!!

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Does The Bhagavad Gita Give Good Guidance For One Who See’s How The Value Is Held Inside?

One of the most touching question raised by dear blessed soul  and friend Jason Skeie to me. I must congratulate for such an intelligent question dear blessed soul Jason Skeie. Oh yes…..Bhagavad Gita give good guidance for one who see’s … Continue reading

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To Get Introduced With The Soul Is The First Step To Touch The Lowest Level Of Soul Consciousness …..!!!

We are too much intellectually based and inclined with theoretical concepts and feel that Soul Consciousness can be achieved with simple discussions and by knowing some exceptional linage which are only in black and white on papers or in debates.To … Continue reading

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Most unavoidable silent departure of so called expected evergreen charming life…!!!!

As the embodied soul waxes from childhood to youth, then wanes to old age, and assumes one new body after another, wise men are not prey to infatuation. At some time a man is a boy and then he grows … Continue reading

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True victory lies in subduing matter and in perceiving, as well as becoming one with, the Supreme Spirit that transcends it…..!!!

Profound sentiment to God and excessive attachment/infatuation to material world which is at the root of all griefs always fight like mongoose and snake, the two most known enemies. The body itself is a field, a ring or an arena. … Continue reading

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No attachment to any amount of even least attained detachment…..!!!

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