Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

A householder is not essentially a sinful man….!!!

Lord Krishna sings in Bhagavad Gita: “Even if a man of the most depraved conduct worships incessantly, he is worthy of being regarded as a saint because he is a man of true resolve.”  Who can be more fallen, the … Continue reading

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The adherence to truth is cultivated by incessant reflection, meditation, and samadhi…..!!!

Sages have described each breath as a precious ruby. “What a pity that we squander the jewels of our breath on idle gossip!” One kind of satsang is the moral discourse we hear from noble men, but the real spiritual … Continue reading

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Why are we not naturally enlightened?

Why are we not naturally enlightened? Why can’t we ride in this body and mind and enjoy the journey? There are umpteen occasions in this life when things do not go according to our plans yet we feel that we … Continue reading

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God dwells in feeling…!!!

God dwells in feeling We can describe it as devotion. It lays hold on even God. The sentiment of devotion is a pious impulse of flawless perfection. It is a protector of righteousness. On the one hand so resourceful that it … Continue reading

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At the eve of MAHASHIVRATRI….!!!

“Rudrānām śankaraścāsmi ……..I am Shankar among Rudr,”.…. Sings Lord Krishna in Chapter Ten,Verse Twenty Three of Bhagavad Gita. Sri Krishn is Shankar among Rudr. Shankar-“shanka-ar’’-may be understood as the condition in which there are no doubts and irresolutions. Arjun,the disciple … Continue reading

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The accomplished teacher is ever in readiness to help his disciple….!!!

When our Self has become one with the form of the accomplished teacher, he dwells as intimately with us as our limbs. He begins to guide even before the emergence of virtuous inclinations within the mind. And when he abides in the … Continue reading

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