Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

Not means but the determination of mind needs to be firm to explore the path….!!!

 _/l\_ “Humble Wishes”

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The mark of a sage is that he is like an ocean…..!!!

The full and changeless ocean assimilates all the rivers that flow violently into it without losing its repose. Similarly the man who is aware of the oneness of his Self and the Supreme Spirit assimilates all worldly pleasures within himself … Continue reading

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“Although I Have Created The Four Classes (Varn)…..!!!!”

Lord Krishn sings in Chapter Four, Verse Thirteen of Bhagavad Gita : cāturvarṇyam mayā sṛṣṭam guṇakaramavibhāgaśaḥ, tasya kartāram api mām viddhy akartāram avyayam “Although I have created the four classes (varn)-Brahmin, Kshatriy, Vaishy and Shudr-according to innate properties and actions, … Continue reading

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Shelter in celestial shadow of totally accomplished and enlightened master’s lotus feet is the true definition of real ashram….!!!

 _/l\_ “Humble Wishes”

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Grieve not, for I shall free you from all sins…!!!

The chosen teacher-preceptor takes it upon himself to effect the gradual elevation of the pupil to ever more refined spiritual states and his release from all sins if, instead of worrying about his position on the path of action, the … Continue reading

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The loving acceptance by God!!!

 _/l\_ “Humble Wishes”

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