Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

Only enlightened, realized, sages have viewed the Self….!!!

_/l\_ “Humble Wishes” 

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The real base of the body is constituted by sanskar, the merits-the influences and impressions-earned during a previous existence….!!!

_/l\_ “Humble Wishes” 

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Supreme Spirit alone is real….!!!

_/l\_ “Humble Wishes” 

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The endurance of cold and heat,of happiness and sorrow,of honour and dishonour, depends upon the seeker’s spiritual endeavour….!!!

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After spiritual attainment there is neither teacher nor pupil, and the Self who has gained awareness of the essence, of the Supreme Spirit, is left all alone…!!!

_/l\_ “Humble Wishes” 

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Man Is Born In The Bodies That Are Shaped By His Own Will…!!!

_/l\_ “Humble Wishes” 

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