Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

This Self is apprehended only through complete abandonment of passion….!!!

The shift from narcissism to humility to big Self is, and always has been, the journey of the mystic and the realizer. With successful completion of this journey,one attains a certain stage and gets free from all sorts of mind’s … Continue reading


The mind in which there is no unevenness is full of equanimity…!!!

Resting in yog, renouncing infatuation for worldly ties, and looking at success and failure with an equal mind, a seeker should undertake action. But what action? Seeker should do selfless action. Equipoise of mind is what is called yog. The … Continue reading

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Journey of the Soul…!!!

Soul can be damned as well as saved. To the man who has conquered his mind and senses, his Self is a friend who brings the ultimate good. But to the man who has failed to restrain his mind and … Continue reading


The ultimate God is without a beginning and end….!!!

The ultimate God who is without a beginning and end is…… said to be neither a being nor a non-being, because so long as he is removed he is an entity, but who can say what he is when a … Continue reading

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Journey is one to one…..!!!!

Journey is one to one…..!!!! Journey is one to one. After spiritual attainment there is neither teacher nor pupil, and the Self who has gained awareness of the essence, of the Supreme Spirit, is left all alone. When the Self is … Continue reading

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The mind is linked with breath…..!!!

The mind is linked with breath. That is the state of victory of the mind when the eye is set on the breath, when the name is incorporated into breath, and no desire of the external world can enter into … Continue reading

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