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- RAMNAVAMI, The Day of Manifestation of Bhagwan Shree RAM!
- ब्रह्म आचरणमयी प्रवृत्ति ही वानरी सेना है! (The Conduct Imbued by Bhrama Itself is The Vanar Army!)
- अब कृपा करो श्री राम नाथ दुख टारो (Now, Please Show Mercy, Lord Ram, and Take Away My Sorrows)
- भये प्रगट कृपाला दीनदयाला! (The Compassionate and Merciful Lord Appeared)
- मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम प्रभु श्री राम का नीतिगत किंतु मर्यादित क्रोध। (The Ethical but Dignified Anger of Maryada Purushottam Lord Shri Ram!)
- Devotion, a Drop of The Ocean!
- योगिक अनुभवों के माध्यम से श्रीराम को समझा जा सकता है! (Shree Ram is Comprehensible through Yogic Experiences!)
- बार बार रघुबीर सँम्हारी! (Unceasingly Remembering Lord Ram!)
- राम, एक अनुभवगम्य आध्यात्मिक विश्लेषण (Ram, A Perceptible Spiritual Analysis)
- सो अज प्रेम भगति बस कौसल्या के गोद! (That unborn, Eternal One Has, Out of Love and Devotion, Taken the Lap of Kausalya!)
- Bow Down in Your Lotus Feet O’Lord Ram!
- I Adore the Lord of the Universe Bearing the Name of Ram!
- राम राम राम जीह जौलौं तू न जपिहै (Until you Chant the Name of Lord Ram with your Tongue)
- जे राखे रघुबीर, ते उबरे तेहिं काल महु (Those Protected by Raghubir (Lord Ram) are Saved, even in the Direst of Times)
- रामचरित मानस के ‘दर्शन, अध्यात्म, और विज्ञानं’ का संक्षिप्त आध्यात्मिक स्वरूप! (A Concise Spiritual Essence of the “Philosophy, Spirituality, and Science” of the Ramcharitmanas)
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- “हमारे साथ श्री रघुनाथ तो किस बात की चिंता” (With us is Lord Raghunath, so why worry about anything?)
- श्रीराम द्वारा दी गई शिक्षाएं! (Teachings Given by Shri Ram)
- श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजुमन हरण भवभय दारुणं । (O Mind, Worship the Merciful Shri Ramachandra, Who Removes the Terrible Fear of Worldly Existence)
- सर्वव्यापी होते हुए, आप हर जगह हैं – हैं श्रीराम! (Being Omnipresent, You are Everywhere….O’ Lord Ram!)
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- होली पर्व का वास्तविक पक्ष…..!!!!!/ The real aspect of Holi festival…..!!!!!
- रंगभरी एकादशी…..!!!!!
- A humble compilation of spiritual assets in the form of Booklets/Books…….!!!!!
- Let us dive deep in Spiritual Ocean of Bhagavad Gita………..!!!!
- भगवद गीता ई-पुस्तकें और ऑडियो लिंक! (Bhagavad Gita E-Books and Audio Links!)
- रामचरित मानस और मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम प्रभु श्री राम………….!!!!!
- Pranayam..!!!
- Dhyan/Meditation in Ramcharit Manas………….!!!!!
- Meditation/Dhyan……………!!!!!
- Is really Bhagavad Gita “an extremist literature” spreading “social disorder”?
- “Final doom is the inexpressible state of the total identity of Soul with God while the body yet is”…… as per metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita….!!!
- Divine arrangements are constantly unfolding. Is the goal of these arrangements’ happiness…….???
- I picture it in layers. The soul is ever expansive whereas the mind is like an antenna. The ego is like a wire that plugs into the antenna. This image makes it easier to see how the soul is superior in scale yet is able to be consciously connected to body mind complex.
- Does single mindedness occur while letting attachment to a personal self-dissolve……….?????
- हे सदाशिव……….!!!
- हृदय से करबद्ध प्रार्थना………!!!!
- समाधियाँ…,!!!!
- साधना की पूर्ति के लिए उत्तरोत्तर आसक्ति का त्याग ही त्याग है, कृपया उत्तरोत्तर आसक्ति को समझाइए………!!!!।
- अन्तःकरण की वृत्ति के अनुरूप तप का क्या मतलब है……….?
- “Metaphysical Interpretation of “Dharma” as per vision of truly enlightened sage, knower of the true essence / तत्वदर्शी की दृष्टि से “धर्म” की आध्यात्मिक व्याख्या..!!!
- “Dharm” As Defined In Ramcharit Manas………A Metaphysical Interpretation…..!!!
- “नवरात्रि” का अध्यात्मिक विवेचन………!!!
- Concept of Navratri……!!!
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Category Archives: By Scriptures
Metaphysical interpretation of the term “Karma”/ Action as per divine concepts of Yogeshwar Krishn taught in Bhagavd Gita……!!!!
Metaphysical interpretation of the term “Karma”/ Action as per divine concepts of Yogeshwar Krishn taught in Bhagavd Gita……!!!! ********************************************** In continuation of the previous post (The very first appearance of metaphysical term “Karm”/Action (pronounced as “Karma” as well) which emerged … Continue reading
The very first appearance of metaphysical term “Karm”/Action (pronounced as “Karma” as well) which emerged from Bhagavad Gita……!!!!
******* Yogeshwar Krishna sings in Bhagavad Gita: eṣā te’ bhihitā sānkhye buddhir yoge tu imām śṛṇu, buddhyā yukto yayā pārtha karmabandham prahāsyasi (2.39) “This knowledge which I have imparted to you, O Parth, is related to Gyan Yog, the Way … Continue reading
God’s celestial maya, the power from which the empirical universe is evolved, is most difficult to comprehend…!!!
“This divine three-propertied yog-maya of mine is most difficult to overcome, but they who seek refuge in me get over the illusion and achieve salvation.” ( Bhagavad Gita, 7/14 ) God’s celestial maya, the power from which the empirical universe … Continue reading
Bhagavad Gita and its scientific relevance…..!!!
A short note in brief shared with most honourable Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Former President of India, on his query about Bhagavad Gita and its scientific relevance…..!!! ************* A complete psychotherapy of a deluded and depressed mind by disclosing SUPER … Continue reading
Since both the dedication and the oblation itself are God….!!!
The emancipated man’s yagya is God, what he offers as oblation is God, and the sacred fire to which the sacrifice is made is also God. That is to say that what is offered by the Godlike worshiper to the … Continue reading