Death of the body is not the final end, for the succession of bodies continues even after death….!!!

The man who finally,
that is,
when he has perfect control over his mind
when even this mind is dissolved,
severs his relationship with the body
departs from it with remembrance of God,
surely achieves total oneness with HIM.

Death of the body is not the final end,
for the succession of bodies continues even after death.

It is only when the last crust of earned merits
demerits (sanskar) has disintegrated,
and so also the restrained mind along with it,
that the final end comes,
and after that the Soul does not have to assume a new body.

But this is a process of action
it cannot be rendered comprehensible by just words.

As long as the transfer from one body to another,
like a change of clothes, persists,
there is no real end of the physical person.

But even while the body is yet alive,
with control of the mind and dissolution
the restrained mind itself,
physical relationships are sundered.

 Only by worship carried on through innumerable births
does a sage gain identity with God.

The worshipper then dwells in God and HE in the worshipper.
There is then not even the least distance between them.

But this achievement is made during a physical life.
When the Soul does not have to assume a new body……
that is the real end of the physical body.

This is a portrayal of real death after which there is no rebirth.

At the other end there is physical death
which the world accepts as death,
but after which the Soul has to be born again.

[Revered Adgadanandji Gurudev]


Humble Wishes!!!
Gratitude: YouTube. 



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7 Responses to Death of the body is not the final end, for the succession of bodies continues even after death….!!!

  1. Mrityunjayanand says:

    I hope,now all your questions are covered almost dear blessed Krishna Dhandhania jee. Please feel free to share if still any doubt is there.But these answers are on theoretical part and can get truly understood if start traversing upon path of Self Realization practically.

    Spiritual austerities are must and one can never understand without practically walking on this path.

    Humble Wishes!!!

  2. Mrityunjayanand says:


    asango’ham asango’ham asango’ham punah punah
    saccidAnandarUpo’ham ahamevAham avyayah

    Unattached am I, unattached am I, ever free from attachment of any kind; I am of the nature of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. I am the very Self, indestructible and ever unchanging.

    nityaSuddhavimukto’ham nirAkAro’ham avyayah
    bhUmAnandasvarUpo’ham ahamevAham avyayah

    I am eternal, I am pure (free from the control of mAyA). I am ever liberated. I am formless, indestructible and changeless. I am of the nature of infinite bliss. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

    nityo’ham niravadyo’ham nirAkAro’ham acyutah
    paramAnandarUpo’ham ahamevAhamavyayah

    I am eternal, I am free from blemish, I am formless, I am indestructible and changeless. I am of the nature of supreme bliss. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

    SuddhacaitanyarUpo’ham AtmArAmo’ham eva ca
    akhaNDAnandarUpo’ham ahamevAhamavyayah

    I am pure consciousness, I revel in my own Self. I am of the nature of indivisible (concentrated) bliss. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

    pratyakcaitanyarUpo’ham Santo’ham prakRteh parah
    SASvatAnandarUpo’ham ahamevAhamavyayah

    I am the indwelling consciousness, I am calm (free from all agitation), I am beyond prakrti (mAyA), I am of the nature of eternal bliss, I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

    tattvAtItah parAtmAham madhyAtItah parah Sivah
    mAyAtItah paramjyotih ahamevAhamavyayah

    I am the supreme Self, beyond all the categories (such as prakRti, mahat, ahankAra, etc.), I am the supreme auspicious One, beyond all those in the middle. I am beyond mAyA. I am the supreme light. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

    nAnArUpavyatIto’ham cidAkAro’ham acyutah
    sukharUpasvarUpo’ham ahamevAhamavyayah

    I am beyond all the different forms. I am of the nature of pure consciousness. I am never subject to decline. I am of the nature of bliss. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

    mAyAtatkAryadehAdi mama nAstyeva sarvadA
    svaprakASaikarUpo’ham ahamevAhamavyayah

    There is neither mAyA nor its effects such as the body for me. I am of the same nature and self-luminous. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

    guNatrayavyatIto’ham brahmAdInAm ca sAkshyaham
    anantAnandarUpo’ham ahamevAhamavyayah

    I am beyond the three gunas-sattva, rajas, and tamas. I am the witness of even Brahma and others. I am of the nature of infinite bliss. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

    antaryAmisvarUpo’ham kUTasthah sarvago’smyaham
    paramAtmasvarUpo’ham ahamevAhamavyayah

    I am the inner controller, I am immutable, I am all-pervading. I am myself the supreme Self. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

    nishkalo’ham nishkriyo’ham sarvAtmA Adyah sanAtanah
    aparokshasvarUpo’ham ahamevAhamavyayah

    I am devoid of parts. I am actionless. I am the self of all. I am the primordial one. I am the ancient, eternal one. I am the directly intuited self. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

    dvandvAdisAkshirUpo’ham acalo’ham sanAtanah
    sarvasAkshisvarUpo’ham ahamevAhamavyayah

    I am the witness of all pairs of opposites. I am immovable. I am eternal. I am the witness of everything. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

    prajnAnaghana evAham vijnAnaghana eva ca
    akartAham abhoktAham ahamevAhamavyayah

    I am a mass of awareness and of consciousness. I am not a doer nor an experiencer. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

    nirAdhArasvarUpo’ham sarvAdhAroham eva ca
    AptakAmasvarUpo’ham ahamevAhamavyayah

    I am without any support, and I am the support of all. I have no desires to be fulfilled. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

    tApatrayavinirmukto dehatrayavilakshaNah
    avasthAtrayasAkshyasmi cAhamevAhamavyayah

    I am free from the three kinds of afflictions- those in the body, those from other beings and those caused by higher powers. I am different from the gross, subtle and causal bodies. I am the witness of the three states of waking, dream and deep sleep. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

    ~Brahma Jnanavali Mala by Shri Adi Shankaracharya~

    Humble Wishes!!!

  3. Mrityunjayanand says:

    “WHO AM I…..?”

    I am not this physical body,
    nor am I the five organs of sense perception;
    I am not the five organs of external activity,
    nor am I the five vital forces,
    nor am I even the thinking mind.

    Neither am I that unconscious state of nescience
    which retains merely the subtle vasanas (latencies of the mind),
    while being free from the functional activity of the sense-organs and the mind,
    and being unaware of the existence of the objects of sense-perception.

    summarily rejecting all the above-mentioned physical adjuncts and their functions, saying ‘I am not this: no, nor am I this, nor this’ —
    that which then remains separate and alone by itself,
    that pure Awareness is what I am……….!

    This Awareness self is by its very nature Sat-Chit-Ananda,

    ~Revered Ramana Maharshi~

    Humble Wishes!!!

  4. Mrityunjayanand says:

    Read all the posts one by one,try to explore and then put your questions to get shared if any.Certainly I will try to help.

    Humble Wishes!!!

  5. Krishna Dhandhania says:

    Who am I?..Wherefrom I have come?…What is my destination?…How do you define Karma?..What is destiny?….Trying to find these answers…Can you help me?

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