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February 2025 M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
The real and metaphysical birthday is the day when one really gets refuge forever in any totally accomplished and fully enlightened sage…!!!
I am really grateful to all my near and dear global friends
for their kind wishes and great love shown to me
through their valuable feelings/greetings
to let me remind about physical birthday in my present life span.
for their kind wishes and great love shown to me
through their valuable feelings/greetings
to let me remind about physical birthday in my present life span.
To my opinion, such celebration is incomplete
if we do not understand the metaphysical concept of a real birthday
which happens only once during the complete birth and death cycle
till final attainment of ultimate bliss.
if we do not understand the metaphysical concept of a real birthday
which happens only once during the complete birth and death cycle
till final attainment of ultimate bliss.
Bhagavad Gita sings:
karmaṇai’va hi sansiddhim āsthitā janakādayaḥ,
Janak here does not mean the King of Mithila.
“Janak” is an epithet of father-the giver of life.
Yog, the way by which the individual Soul may be united with the Supreme Spirit
and thus secure absolution, is Janak,
for it brings out and manifests the embodied Soul.
All those who are endowed with yog are sages like Janak.
“Janak” is an epithet of father-the giver of life.
Yog, the way by which the individual Soul may be united with the Supreme Spirit
and thus secure absolution, is Janak,
for it brings out and manifests the embodied Soul.
All those who are endowed with yog are sages like Janak.
Many such great men possessing true wisdom have also achieved the final bliss
through action aimed at the ultimate attainment.
“Ultimate” stands for realization of the essence that the Supreme Spirit represents.
All great saints, such as Janak, have attained to the state of ultimate realization
through performance of the action which is yagya,
worshiping of single God through an ordained action.
through action aimed at the ultimate attainment.
“Ultimate” stands for realization of the essence that the Supreme Spirit represents.
All great saints, such as Janak, have attained to the state of ultimate realization
through performance of the action which is yagya,
worshiping of single God through an ordained action.
Hence, the real and metaphysical birthday is the day
when one really gets refuge forever
in any totally accomplished and fully enlightened sage like “Janak”
for attainment of ultimate bliss,
after attainment of which….
one is neither ever born nor does ever die.
Such a person is twice born.
Twice born because of the spiritual birth or awakening(attainments)
that comes through self austerity and contemplation.
And this twice born day in a total life journey
happens only once
in the whole cycle of birth and death till not get fully enlightened.
when one really gets refuge forever
in any totally accomplished and fully enlightened sage like “Janak”
for attainment of ultimate bliss,
after attainment of which….
one is neither ever born nor does ever die.
Such a person is twice born.
Twice born because of the spiritual birth or awakening(attainments)
that comes through self austerity and contemplation.
And this twice born day in a total life journey
happens only once
in the whole cycle of birth and death till not get fully enlightened.
कबीरा जब पैदा हुए, तो जग हँसा हम रोए
ऐसी करनी कर चलो, हम हँसे जग रोए ।
सात जन्म के सात फेर हैं, सांप सीढ़ी है भाई
जम का दंड मुंह मे लागे, धरि रहे चतुराई ।
पांच तत्व के पांच पंच हैं, पांच व्याद जग डोले
पंचम सुर में अनहद गूंजे, दसों द्वार को खोले ।
“Kabir, when you were born, you cried, and the world laughed.
Live your life in such a manner that when you die,
the world cries and you laugh.”
Humble wishes!!!
Not means but the determination of mind needs to be firm…..!!!!
Steadfast mind treasures faith in the universal, immutable reality,
Such mind accumulates righteous impulses
that lead to selfless activity
in a sprit of egoless reverence
spiritual divinity.
Advent of desire is inimical to wisdom….!!!
A very transparent understaning about our worst enemy KAAMA/desire
as per Hindu Spiritual Philosophy is must which is certainly helpful to seekers
while traversing on path of Self Realization in light of Bhagavd Gita verses.
In fact this has been misinterpreteted by so many self proclaimed modern intellectuals of present time
around the globe in materialstic interest
standing in shadow of human psychology
forgetting about its adverse effects.
Verse Sixty Two and Sixty Three of Chapter Two of Bhagavad Gita are like lamp posts
reagarding this subject as taught by Lord Krishna
to which I treat as most sensitive emotional factor
human psychothearpy.
In Verse Sixty Two, Lord Krishn sings:
dhyāyato visyān punsaḥ
sangas teṣu’pajāyate,
sangāt samjāyate kāmaḥ
kāmāt krodho’ bhijājāte
“They whose thoughts are of sensual objects are attached to them,
attachment gives rise to desires,
anger is born when these desires are obstructed.’’
The feeling of attachment persists in men
who have got over their concern with the objects of sense.
Desire is born from attachment.
And there is anger when there is an obstacle in the way of satisfaction of desire.
And what does the feeling of anger give rise to?
Further Lord adds in Verse Sixty Three:
krodhād bhavati sammohaḥ
sammohāt smṛtivibhramaḥ,
smṛtibranśād buddnināśo
buddināśāt praṇaśyati
“Delusion is born from anger,
by which memory is confused;
confusion of memory undermines the faculty of discrimination and,
when discrimination is lost,
the seeker deviates from the means of absolution.’’
Confusion and ignorance arise from anger.
Distinction between the eternal and the transient is obliterated.
Remembrance is shaken by delusion, as it happens with Arjun.
Lord Krishn says again that in such a state of mind one cannot determine wisely
what to do and what not to do.
Confusion of memory weakens the seeker’s dedication
loss of discrimination makes him deviate from his goal of being one with God.
Here Lord Krishn has emphasized the importance of cultivating unconcern with sensual objects.
The worshipper’s mind should rather always be concerned
with that-word, form, incarnation, or abode-by which his mind may be enabled to be one with God.
The mind is drawn to sensual objects when the discipline of worship is relaxed.
Thoughts of these objects produce attachment,
which in its own turn results in desire for them.
Anger is generated if the satisfaction of this desire is obstructed in any way.
And ignorance finally undoes the power of discernment.
The Way of Selfless Action is also said to be the Way of Knowledge,
for it has always to be kept in view that
desire must not be allowed to enter the worshipper’s mind.
There are, after all, no real fruits.
Advent of desire is inimical to wisdom.
Steady contemplation is, therefore, a necessity.
A man who does not always think of God strays from the right path
that will lead him to ultimate bliss and glory.
However, there is one consolation.
The chain of worship is only broken, not completely destroyed.
Once the joy of worship has been experienced,when taken up again,
it resumes from the same point at which it was discontinued.
This is the fate of the worshipper who is attached to sensual objects
as per teachings of Bhagavad Gita
Hindu Spiritual Philosophy.