Silent and peaceful departure of the soul from this corporeal frame…!!!

Silent and peaceful departure of the soul
from this corporeal frame is one of the most important achievement
in human life till final attainment of eternal bliss.
But for this great achievement,
lot many struggles obstruct in different modes
throughout the journey
delusion chases till one breaths last and this silent departure can never be made possible perfectly
until the desires are completely not get saturated.
But if the divine path is being traversed
under spiritual guidance of any totally accomplished sage as charioteer,
all such difficult tasks become so easy
that it is beyond imagination.
We have many most difficult latent desires hidden in mind
duly sketched at thought screen
which can never get saturated
if grace of an enlightened Guru is not being showered
beyond any measurement round the clock.To fulfill all such latent desires,
direct and and indirect supports are made available
divine arrangements always,
by all means.

I personally have experienced during very recently passed times
that how a well commenced action gradually becomes so refined and sublimated
that it takes the mind above will as well as irresolution and then,
with the burning out of long awaited latent desires,
one is blessed with direct grace of God.
How the impossible shapes to very much possible which is really unbelievable.
The great Indian scripture Ramcharit Manas sings:
काल कर्म गुन दोष सुभाऊ। कछु दुख तुम्हहि न ब्यापिहि काऊ।।
राम रहस्य ललित बिधि नाना। गुप्त प्रगट इतिहास पुराना।।
बिनु श्रम तुम्ह जानब सब सोऊ। नित नव नेह राम पद होऊ।।
जो इच्छा करिहहु मन माहीं। हरि प्रसाद कछु दुर्लभ नाहीं।।
“No suffering occasioned by time, fate, merit, demerit or disposition shall ever torment you.
The manifold charming mysteries of Lord Råma,
that are found mentioned in
the chronicles and Purånas,
either explicitly or implicitly,
you will come to know without any effort;
the flame of your devotion to Lord Råma’s feet will ever grow
brighter and brighter.
Whatever longing you may entertain in your mind,
you shall have no difficulty in attaining it
by the grace of Shri Hari.”
Yes. perfect, absolutely prefect.

All glories to totally enlightened masters.

 Humble Wishes.
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As the water of the many rivers falls into the full and ever constant ocean…!!!

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Emptiness of what?
And what that emptiness is which helps a person in real metaphysics with its true terms?

Its very interesting question.

Can you get rid of impact of thoughts if try to rush to secluded places
maintaining a very far distance from different sorts of people only?
Will your mind and thought screen will get totally sketch-less
you go to jungles or any other places of your own choices?
Can you get lighten and totally emptied simply by making some sort of amendments in life style
with slight changes in daily routines?
Do we rally have time to stay and fix our mind and thoughts for few seconds
to think over about this great problem honestly

making a safe distance from conceptual debates about total emptiness?
 To me it looks that we are simply wasting our time in fruitless debates 
losing our priceless breaths one by one which are simply being thrown in air
in search of passionate feelings.
Honestly speaking, probably we are simply getting involved in an emotional flow
which happens just to share our inner feelings
so that burden of our mind may get little bit lighten.
Sometimes it helps certainly.
My concept is to be the master of that science first which can keep us totally secluded
as and when required among millions and millions of people
having thought waves of different types and intensities any where.
This is the first layer of wisdom.
Gaining after this, we must master the second layer of wisdom
application of which puts you totally secluded among huge rush of conflicts
going on in inner realm of our spiritual heart because of the impressions
we have already accumulated and are carrying forward
since last so many births and rebirths.
Main problem is with addictions which trap the mind at any place or in any situation.
How to get free from such traps of different addictions?
I am sure, we are comfortable enough to understand what is being shared here
with all such who are inclined to true spiritualism
and have a keen desire to traverse upon divine path.
Lord Krishn teaches His loving disciple Arjun in Bhagavad Gita:
“Even the learned call that man a sage all of whose actions are free from desire and will,
both burnt to ashes by the fire of knowledge.’’
With the acquisition of the capacity of perceiving non-action in action,
the man who is engaged in action grows into a doer of perfect action
in which there is not even the slightest flaw.
Restraint of desire and will is a victory of the mind.
So action is something that elevates the mind above desire and will.
Lord Krishn tells Arjun that a well-commenced action gradually becomes so refined and sublimated
that it takes the mind above will as well as irresolution and then,
with the burning out of even the last desire which he does not know
but which he was previously eager to know,
the worshiper is blessed with direct perception of God.

This happens only when one acquires total emptiness
execution of certain ordained action.

And then what that ordained action is?
Let us share my dear intellectuals.


Humble Wishes.




With warm wishes for a very very happy New Year…..!!!

With this so called happy arrival of New Year,
let us calculate how this should be viewed honestly?

I am in deep contemplation and very sincerely praying to God to get me clarified
this already approached New Year is an additional time added to my life for His heartfelt worshiping
just for wasting it in enjoyment of sensual pleasures with fully drunken mood of passionate desires
just to remember that I have lost one more year of my life in fruitless mode
which will never come back and arrival of the end of my existing physical body is now more near to death
inspite of heavy showering of warm wishes
in many prosperous ways by my near and dears
since last few days in a pleasant mood of celebrations.The fever of present celebrations may go on for almost one more week
after that the wheel of life will again start rolling down
in its well destined methods without any excitement being shown at present.

I think, we must try to understand the great message
hidden behind this great arrival of most Happy Happy New Year.

Hence, being the very first day of this already arrived New Year,
I have an intense desire to pray to God
to let me understand the answers of my highly sensitive queries
to plan my near upcoming future.

With warm wishes for a very very happy New Year.

Humble Wishes.
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Anger resides at the heart of desire……!!!!

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A very rich accumulation of sacred divine impulses…..!!!

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