To frame the attributes of God within boundaries of words and to discuss in details how spiritual wisdom has been understood in different modes….!!

It’s an interesting issue to share and throw much light upon
how we may frame the attributes of God
within boundaries of words
to discuss in details
how spiritual wisdom has been understood
in different modes dear blessed souls?
Each linage has it’s own experiences and excellencies.
I will prefer to keep myself neutral here.
After a certain level,

spiritual know how becomes indescribable as God himself is and even after knowing this,
instead how to achieve,
we like to discuss about achievements
at intellectual level in speech mode?

Duality/non duality, personal/impersonal…….I keep myself away from these factors
like to fix my mind on God with the abilities within me
hardest approach under strict spiritual disciplines.

But if to share,
looks to me that different steps and stages are there
to which we normally term with different words
but linked with each other and which gets changed
with gradual elevations while traversing upon this path.

Like if to say in one line for me…”Duality is a step to non duality”…
without having any intention
to claim whether it is right or wrong.

 To dive much in conceptual sharing invites debate which has no end.
I am wondered to see that most of our enlightened masters were without any academic backgrounds.
They preferred in showing rather than saying to their deserving disciples.
They simply worshiped God with intent
devotion, dedication and total surrender
attained the ultimate bliss with direct perception.
We have many concepts with different views and like always to keep them alive.
Probably because we have a wish to solve this greatest mystery only at intellectual level.
And because of the individual differences which will ever exist,
never reach to any certain conclusion.
Well scriptures are always with us which work as lamp posts and are the authority
on what ought and ought not to be done.
But I prefer to dive in ordained action first
then to refer scripture for further guidance when required.
To define and confine God within the boundaries of few words looks to be very difficult for me.
I don’t know how God would prefer to appear before me and since He is indescribable,
how I would be able to describe HIM or HIS attributes
the last moments of my Self Realization?
I accept Bhagavad Gita as seed scripture
for entire mankind around the globe
always get practical guidance from metaphysical depths of it’s verses.
Bhagavad Gita sings:
“It is the ignorant rather than men of wisdom
who make distinction between Way of Knowledge and the Way of Selfless Action i.e Way of Devotion,
for he who dwells well in any one of the two attains to God.”
And then:
“That man perceives reality who regards
the Way of Knowledge and the Way of Selfless Action as identical,
because the liberation attained by knowledge is also achieved by selfless action.”
The goal which is reached by the worshiper of knowledge and discrimination is also achieved
the doer of selfless action.
So he knows the truth who regards the two ways as similar
from the point of view of consequence.

To my experience, adoration starts with Saguna and ends with Nirguna.
But again this is how I feel with great respect to Spiritual wisdom of our most revered sages
without any doubt.
May be, my experiences are from a very plane surface,
too far from the reality
this is how I personally experience.

Humble Wishes!
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Real path of Self Realization…!!!

That which initiates
from and ends
in lotus feet
“Enlightened Guru”
Path of Self Realization.

Humble Wishes.

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May the festival of Vijayadashami (Dussehra) bring victory and remembrance of Lord Ram in life!!!

हे जगताधिपति राम,
क्या रावण वध के लिए
वल्कल पीत वस्त्र,
मस्तक पर जटाजूट
चौदह वर्ष के वनवास का तापस होना
अनिवार्य नही रहा?

~ मृत्युञ्जयानन्द ~  ©2018

“Humble Wishes”

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God’s celestial maya, the power from which the empirical universe is evolved, is most difficult to comprehend…!!!

“This divine three-propertied yog-maya of mine
most difficult to overcome,
but they who seek refuge in me
get over the illusion and achieve salvation.”

( Bhagavad Gita, 7/14 )

God’s celestial maya,
the power from which the empirical universe is evolved,
most difficult to comprehend,
but they who are always engaged in the worship of God navigate safely across it.

This maya is called divine,
but that does not mean that we should start burning incense sticks
as a reverent offering to it.

It should never be forgotten that it is something
we have to vanquish and get across.


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Only by worship carried on through innumerable births…..!!!

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“Guru” is a status which is achieved through the highest level of spiritual austerities….!!!

I have been contemplating upon vision of present mind set
where propaganda is being done
any enlightened “Guru” in physical form
any sort of spiritual guidance are required
while traversing upon spiritual path.

It is being kept out of mind in modern age that “Guru” is a status

which is achieved through the highest level of spiritual austerities
after getting totally enlightened and attainment of ultimate bliss.

Only such highly elevated Souls are totally liberated from the shackles of birth and death cycle
and can help any individual soul in getting totally emancipated from worldly bondage.

How any such can help in getting liberated who is already still trapped in material world?

Can a blind lead a blind to show the real path?

The modern concept being launched is that “self “ is the only source of inspiration
the whole spiritual journey can be successfully completed in it’s radiance and guidance
without any presence of a physical totally accomplished “Guru”.

I have no intentions to highlight and support the concept of “Gurudum”
but the problem is that
do we really know and have any dictionary anywhere
to decode the language being used to communicate with “self”
and then
how to get introduced in inner realm on our own
without any help, guidance and real wisdom?

Are we really capable enough to walk the path
with the skill of decoding the metaphysical codings 

and divine intuitions to communicate with the “self”
by total denial of presence of truly enlightened Guru?

Here “Guru” means really enlightened and totally accomplished sage 
not a commercial one enjoying the materialistic lust.

I very humbly invite all my friends to kindly share their most valuable views
upon this interesting and vital issue raised in this most valuable post.

Humble Wishes.

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