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Recent Posts
- RAMNAVAMI, The Day of Manifestation of Bhagwan Shree RAM!
- The Conduct Imbued by Bhrama Itself is The Vanar Army!
- Now, Please Show Mercy, Lord Ram, and Take Away My Sorrows (अब कृपा करो श्री राम नाथ दुख टारो)
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- The Ethical but Dignified Anger of Maryada Purushottam Lord Shri Ram!
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- Shree Ram is Comprehensible through Yogic Experiences!
- Unceasingly Remembering Lord Ram! (बार बार रघुबीर सँम्हारी!)
- Ram, A Perceptible Spiritual Analysis (राम, एक अनुभवगम्य आध्यात्मिक विश्लेषण)
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- Bow Down in Your Lotus Feet O’Lord Ram!
- I Adore the Lord of the Universe Bearing the Name of Ram!
- Until you Chant the Name of Lord Ram with your Tongue (राम राम राम जीह जौलौं तू न जपिहै)
- Those Protected by Raghubir (Lord Ram) are Saved, even in the Direst of Times (जे राखे रघुबीर, ते उबरे तेहिं काल महु)
- A Concise Spiritual Essence of the “Philosophy, Spirituality, and Science” of the Ramcharitmanas (रामचरित मानस के ‘दर्शन, अध्यात्म, और विज्ञानं’ का संक्षिप्त आध्यात्मिक स्वरूप!)
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- प्रभु श्री राम का आध्यात्मिक स्वरूप! (The Spiritual Form of Lord Shri Ram!)
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- राम नाम मणिदीप है…….!!!!!
- “Hamare Sath Shri Raghunath ToH Kis Baat Ki Chinta”……!!!!!
- श्रीराम द्वारा दी गई शिक्षाएं….!!!!!
- Bow down in your lotus feet O’Lord Ram on this coming great occasion of RAMNAVAMI…………..!!!!!
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- रंगभरी एकादशी…..!!!!!
- A humble compilation of spiritual assets in the form of Booklets/Books…….!!!!!
- Let us dive deep in Spiritual Ocean of Bhagavad Gita………..!!!!
- Bhagavad Gita Flip Book and Audio Links……..!!!!
- रामचरित मानस और मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम प्रभु श्री राम………….!!!!!
- Pranayam..!!!
- Dhyan/Meditation in Ramcharit Manas………….!!!!!
- Meditation/Dhyan……………!!!!!
- Is really Bhagavad Gita “an extremist literature” spreading “social disorder”?
- “Final doom is the inexpressible state of the total identity of Soul with God while the body yet is”…… as per metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita….!!!
- Divine arrangements are constantly unfolding. Is the goal of these arrangements’ happiness…….???
- I picture it in layers. The soul is ever expansive whereas the mind is like an antenna. The ego is like a wire that plugs into the antenna. This image makes it easier to see how the soul is superior in scale yet is able to be consciously connected to body mind complex.
- Does single mindedness occur while letting attachment to a personal self-dissolve……….?????
- हे सदाशिव……….!!!
- हृदय से करबद्ध प्रार्थना………!!!!
- समाधियाँ…,!!!!
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- अन्तःकरण की वृत्ति के अनुरूप तप का क्या मतलब है……….?
- “Metaphysical Interpretation of “Dharma” as per vision of truly enlightened sage, knower of the true essence / तत्वदर्शी की दृष्टि से “धर्म” की आध्यात्मिक व्याख्या..!!!
- “Dharm” As Defined In Ramcharit Manas………A Metaphysical Interpretation…..!!!
- “नवरात्रि” का अध्यात्मिक विवेचन………!!!
- Concept of Navratri……!!!
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Divine Messages!!!
Swami Shree Adgadanandji has set up a plaque inscribed in form of this table at the entrance gate of the Ashram during his stay, on the auspicious day of Ganga Dashehara (1993) at Shree Paramhans Ashram Jagatanand, Village & P.O. Bareini, Kachhava, Dist. Mirzapur (U.P.)
— The Seed Scripture of Creation
Lord Krishn has taught: ‘imam vivasvate yogam’ (Geeta, 4/1) that it was he who at the beginning,imparted the knowledge to the Sun, from whom it was passed on to primeval Manu.Hence Geeta only is premordial
scripture. As per Geeta, God alone is the ultimate reality, the supreme essence of all, and he is pervading and inherent in every particle of the world. He is accessible for direct perception, attainment and can be realized through the spiritual austerity of yog. This primordial knowledge revealed by God himself is incessantly continuing to exist from the period of vedic exalted sages till today.
— Shree Vedic Saints (Primeval Age-Ved (Narayan Sukta))
The Supreme Being present in each particle in the universe is but the only truth. The only way to attain emancipation is to realize Him.
— Bhagwan Shree Ram (Treta : Millions of years ago – Ramayan)
Aspirant of benediction without praying to The Supreme Being is an ignoramus.
— Yogeshwar Shree Krishn (5200 years ago – Geeta. Re-teaching of Dharm)
The God is the only truth. Achievement of that eternal God is possible only through contemplation. Worshiping of deities is only done by the ignorant.
— Saint Moosa (3000 years ago – Jewism – Bible old testament)
As you revoked your faith (Shraddha) from the God, made idols- He is unhappy. Begin praying to him.
— Saint Jarathustra (2700 years ago – Zoroastrian Religion – Avesta)
Contemplate upon Ahura Mazda (God) to eradicate the evils inhibiting your heart, which are the root causes of all the sorrows.
— Mahavir Swami (2600 years ago – Uttaradhyayana Sutra)
Only the Self is real; By observance of austere penance it could be realized in this same birth itself.
— Gautam Buddha (2500 years ago – Tripitika)
I have attained that sublime ultimate stage, which was attained by the earlier saints. This is Nirvan.
— Jesus Christ (2000 years ago – Christianity – Bible new testament)
God can be attained by prayers. Come to me or an accomplished sage (Sadguru) just because you would be called the son of the God.
— Hajrat Mohammed Saheb (1400 years ago – Islam – Koran)
“La Ill-Allah Muhammad-ur Rasul-Allah”- There is none worthy of WORSHIPING other than the all- pervading God. Mohammed saheb is messenger of God.
— Aadi Shankaracharya (1200 years ago)
The world is an illusion.In it,the only truth is the God and His name.
— Saint Kabir (600 years ago)
The name of Ram is ultimate, all else is futile. From The beginning, till the end and in all the ages, the only struggle is with Ram. Struggle with Ram, that only is salutary.
— Guru Nanak (500 years ago)
‘Ek Omkar Satguru Prasadi’ Only an Omkar is true, but it is pleasance of grace of an enlightened sage (Sadguru).
— Swami Dayanand Saraswati (200 years ago)
Worship only to the everlasting, immortal and eternal single God. The cardinal name of this Supreme Power is OM.
— Swami Shree Paramanandji (1912 – 1969 A. D.)
When the God bestows benevolence, the enemies turn friends and adversity becomes asset. The God is omnipresent.
The worshipper’s mind should rather always be concerned with that-word, form, incarnation, or abode…..!!!
The worshiper’s mind should rather always be concerned
with that-word, form, incarnation, or abode-by which
his mind may be enabled to be one with God.
The mind is drawn to sensual objects
when the discipline of worship is relaxed.
Thoughts of these objects produce attachment,
in its own turn results in desire for them.
~Revered Gurudev Swami Adgadanand Jee Paramhans~