What is to be said of a person who drifts into nidra every time a particular consciousness is reached especially during dhyaana?

What is to be said of a person
who drifts into nidra every time a particular consciousness is reached
especially during dhyaana?

A brilliant question raised by dear blessed soul Sushrut Badhe.

In fact when one drifts into nidra  every time a particular consciousness is reached
especially during dhyaana,
can not be considered of being as a stage in between.

If something auspicious happened, Aklisht Vritti appears,
if inauspicious comes this disposition turns into Klisht one.
Touching the stage of particular consciousness during dhyana confirms
one has truly turned to God.
It’s a confirmed status.

During real spiritual meditation,
our efforts are always supported by evidences
which is certainly not case of simple concentration at any level in any case.
Normally we define a simple concentration of mind as pure meditation.
It is not a correct concept.
Dhyana is not done rather it happens at a certain level of our austerities
on it’s own which is a very high level of spiritual stage.

So in case of concentration,
drifting into nidra is certainly a simple sleep
which may happen because of so many reasons.
But if you are through true spiritual stages of particular consciousness during dhyana,
in that case, this nidra is not a simple sleep.
It may be termed as Yog Nidra.

In fact, at that level,
feeling of the existence of physical body becomes almost nil
divine intuitions can be experienced getting sketched at thought screen,
though this process too is of very short duration.
After certain lapse of time,
Mind appears to be almost in unconscious stage
though particular consciousness can be experienced at the same time.

The duration of such stage depends upon the elevated spiritual level of the Yogi.

This is very practical experiencing which is almost difficult to describe in words.

Humble Wishes!!!


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