Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

Who surely achieves total oneness with God……..???

The man who finally, that is, when he has perfect control over his mind and when even this mind is dissolved, severs his relationship with the body and departs from it with remembrance of Him, surely achieves total oneness with … Continue reading

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Fire is a symbol of God’s radiance as day is of knowledge……!!!

Fire is a symbol of God’s radiance as day is of knowledge. The bright half of a lunar month stands for purity. The six virtues of discrimination, renunciation, restraint, tranquility, courage and intellect are the six months of the ascendant … Continue reading

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“सबसे अधिक बुद्धि वाला मानव समाज ही आज प्रेम और करुणा से किस कारणवश अकारण वंचित होता जा रहा है…???

************** “सबसे अधिक बुद्धि वाला मानव समाज ही आज प्रेम और करुणा से किसी कारणवश अकारण वंचित होता जा रहा है। “किसी कारण वश”क्या है?? आखिर संत-स्वामी इस की विवेचना कब करेंगे?? क्या महाविनाश के बाद?? यदि समय पर “काम” … Continue reading

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Never get trapped……!!!

An expression of self struggle emerges with in with such emotional drives to get bit relaxed simply.. but not to get trapped with it’s appearances. Not to be ignorant of His abilities & faith in you, May diminish these to … Continue reading

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True learning is that which enables the man who has acquired it to go along God’s way….!!!

True learning is that which enables the man who has acquired it to go along God’s way until he has won salvation. If he gets entangled in the vanity of his achievements or in the material world while he is … Continue reading

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Nature itself is a gambler and cheat……!!!!

Nature itself is a gambler and cheat. To forsake outward show and engage in the way of private adoration to escape from the contradictions of nature is an act of “deception.” But to call it “deception” is hardly appropriate, for … Continue reading

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