Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

All the way it is mind…!!!!

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O’ God, bless me with a deep quiet life…!!!

We must know the secrets of spending deep quiet life. Not only externally but internally too. Is this possible without restraining  mind and senses? The person who prevents own senses  from straying to objects has a steady discrimination/steady wisdom. The … Continue reading

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Is not this that really you are too stressed and a little bit tired….?

O’ Revered Charioteer, probably it was your inspiration oscilliating in my mind after such a long, very very long journey on divine path in your shadow, just to dare to ask something to heal my divine pain with a very … Continue reading

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Vices get converted into virtues…..!!!

Six vices of passion, wrath, greed, delusion, vanity and malice get converted into six virtues of discrimination, renunciation, restraint, tranquility, courage and intellect once when a seeker gets seriously involved in intense meditation by taking refuge in any enlightened and … Continue reading

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Journey from darkness of ignorance to brightness of divine light……!!!

What in your life is calling you, When all the noise is silenced, The meetings adjourned… The lists laid aside, And the Wild Iris blooms By itself In the dark forest… What still pulls on your soul? ~Rumi~

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Bhagavad Gita and its scientific relevance…..!!!

A short note in brief shared with most honourable Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Former President of India, on his query about Bhagavad Gita and its scientific relevance…..!!! ************* A complete psychotherapy of a deluded and depressed mind by disclosing SUPER … Continue reading

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