An Intution……..!!!!!

संसार अनेक दृष्टिकोणो से भरा हुआ है। मैं सबके दृष्टिकोणो का भरपूर सम्मान करता हूँ। ज्ञान योगियों के लिए भरपूर सम्मान है मेरे हृदय में। लेकिन मुझे भक्ति योग में अत्यधिक रुचि है।

इष्ट के प्रति पूर्ण समर्पण स्वयं मार्ग दर्शन करता रहता है। हम कहां तक पहुंच सके हैं, मार्ग सही है या नहीं, आगे अब क्या करना है, कब कौन से संस्कार प्रगट होंगे, उनसे कैसे पार पाना है…. इत्यदि, ये सारा भार सद्गुरु, “तत्वदर्शी पूर्ण महापुरुष” के कंधों पर रहता है। अपने से नहीं चल कर केवल उनकी अंगुली पकड़कर और मात्र निमित्त बनकर समर्पण के साथ खड़े रहना पड़ता है। सब कुछ निर्णायक और अत्यन्त सुगम। लेकिन आसान नहीं है पूर्ण समर्पण। अत्यंत कठिन है।
महापुरुष सबको नहीं साधते। पूर्व जन्मों के पुण्य पुंज का भंडार जिसके पास होता है, उसको महापुरुष साधते हैं। महापुरुषों के पास अपनी वाणी संचारित कर देने की अद्दभुत क्षमता होती है। वो सब जानते हैं। जिसको चाहते हैं उसको सब जना भी देते हैं। लेकिन इसके लिये अनन्य भक्ति और पूर्ण समर्पण की क्षमता होनी चाहिए। अपनी बुद्धि से चलने वाला भक्ति मार्ग पर कभी नहीं टिक सकता। महापुरुष हमारे स्वाध्याय की दशा और दिशा भी स्वयं निर्धारित करते रहते हैं। भक्त आराम की नींद सो लेने में समर्थ भी हो जाता है। युद्ध में निमित्त बन कर खड़ा भर रहता है, युद्ध करता कोई और है।

यदि सक्षम गुरु की कृपा और उनके आदेशों का सहारा लेकर समर्पित भाव से चलें तो केवल निमित्त बन जाने से ही सब कुछ संभव अत्यंत सुगमता से हो जाता है। कुछ पता ही नहीं लगता। हां, सफर में धूप तो होती ही है, किंतु जिसे चलना है वो चल ही पड़ता है। केवल उनकी कृपा बरसती रहनी चाहिए।

वाणी या पुस्तक से केवल माइलस्टोन का पता लगता रहता है। ये बहुत बड़ी मदद है। स्वाध्याय का मैं भी समर्थक हूं। भगवद गीता मे भगवान ने इसे दैवी सम्पद को प्राप्त पुरूष में पाए गए अनेकों लक्षणों मेँ से एक बताया है। ये आंशिक रूप से हममें रहता है। स्वाध्याय का अर्थ ही है स्वरूप की तरफ अग्रसर कराने वाला अध्ययन। किंतु यथार्थ अध्ययन, काल्पनिक नहीं।

मैं तो परम आदरणीय पूज्य गुरुदेव का एक अत्यंत साधारण सेवक हूं। मेरे जो भी उदगार हैं, उनसे भिक्षा स्वरूप प्राप्त हुए हैं। मेरा अपना ना कुछ था, ना है ना कभी रहेगा। उनके कसौटी पर खरा उतर सकूँ, इसके लिए ही अनवरत संघर्ष कर रहा हूँ और करता रहूंगा। उनके आदेशों का अक्षरशः पालन करने की सतत चेष्टा कर रहा हूँ।

पूज्य गुरुदेव की शिक्षा है कि यह प्रकृति एक जुआ है। यही ठगिनी है। इस प्रकृति के द्वंद से निकलने के लिए दिखावा छोड़कर छिपाव के साथ गुप्त रूप से भजन करना यद्यपि छल अवश्य है किन्तु आवश्यक है। जड़भरत की तरह उन्मत्त, अंधे बहरे, और गूंगे की तरह हृदय से जानकार होते हुए भी बाहर से ऐसे रहें कि अनजान हों, सुनते हुए भी न सुने, देखते हुए भी भी न देखें। छिप कर ही भजन का विधान है, तभी साधक प्रकृति-पुरुष के जुए में पार पाता है। इस योग में निश्चयात्मक क्रिया एक है, बुद्धि एक ही है, दिशा एक जैसी है और क्रियात्मक बुद्धि स्वयं इष्ट की देन है।

मेरे विचार से जब तक आत्म स्थिति न प्राप्त हो जाय, तब तक रूप, रस, गंध, शब्द और स्पर्श पर पूर्ण नियंत्रण होना चाहिए। आध्यात्मिक अनुशासन की घेरेबंदी अति आवश्यक होती है। हां, यदि आदेशित हो जाएं तभी अपनी आत्मानुभूतियों को अत्यंत संक्षिप्त रूप में और सावधान होकर बाहर लाना चाहिए। इससे अहंकार स्पर्श नहीं कर पाता। किंतु ऐसा मेरा विचार है, जरूरी नही कि सभी को मान्य हो।

ये यात्रा निश्चित रूप से अनिवर्चनीय है और शब्दों में इसकी अनुभूतियों को बांधना असंभव प्रयास है। इसलिए प्राप्ति के पश्चात अनेकों महापुरुष वाणी से मौन हो जाते हैं। केवल वे ही आगे मार्ग दर्शक का कार्य भार वहन करते हैं जिन्हें ईश्वर स्वयं सद्गुरु का कार्य भार सौप देते हैं।


The world is full of many viewpoints. I have great respect for everyone’s point of view and a lot of respect for Gyan Yogis (Followers of Way Of Knowledge). But I am very much interested in Bhakti Yoga (Way of Selfless Action/ Devotion).

Complete dedication towards God himself keeps showing the path. How far we have reached, whether the path is right or not, what to do next, when will the sanskars appear, how to overcome them….etc, all these burdens are on the shoulders of Sadguru, the “Tatvdarshi Purna Mahapurush” (One who is Knower of Essence). Not walking on your own, you have to stand with surrender only by holding His fingers and being just an instrument. Everything becomes decisive and very simple. But it is not easy to surrender completely rather very, very difficult.

Totally accomplished and fully enlightened sage does not accept everyone as disciple. The one who has the accumulation of divine virtues earned during previous births, gets refuge in HIM. Such sage has amazing ability to transmit / transplant HIS divine wisdom to devoted and dedicated disciples. HE knows everything. But for this one must have the capacity of exclusive devotion and total surrender. One who walks with own intellect can never stay on the path of devotion. Accomplished sages themselves keep determining the condition and direction of our spiritual efforts towards Self Attainment. The devotee also becomes anxiety free and able to sleep comfortably. He just stands by as an instrument in this spiritual war happening within inner realm, and finds that  someone else is combating..

If you walk with a dedicated spirit, taking the help of the grace of a capable Enlightened Guru and his divine instructions, then everything becomes within approach very easily just by becoming an instrument. And yes, there are
sunstroke in the journey, but the one who has to walk, walks anyhow. Only HIS grace should continue to shower.
Only milestones are known through words or books. But this is a great help. I am also a supporter of Swadhyay. In the Bhagavad Gita, Revered Krishna has described this as one of the many characteristics found in a man who has attained divine wealth. It partially resides in us. The meaning of Swadhyay is the study which leads to the own divine form . But real study, not imaginary.

I am a very ordinary servant of the most respected revered Gurudev. All the words of mine have been received in the form of alms. I had nothing of my own, nor have, nor will have it ever be. To be able to live up to HIS criteria, I am continuously struggling for this and will continue to do so. I am constantly trying to follow his instructions literally.

Revered Gurudev teaches that this nature is a gamble. This is cheater. To come out of this duality of the nature, leaving show off and performing worship in secret with concealment, although is deceit but definitely necessary. Maniac like Jadbharat (a honest devotee), blind, deaf and dumb, yet being knowledgeable by heart, remain from the out side in such a way that you are ignorant, do not hear even while listening, do not see even while seeing. There is a sacred process of worship totally in secret, only then the seeker can cross the yoke of Prakriti-Purush. In this Yog, the determined action is one, the intellect is the only one, the direction is the same and the active intellect itself is the gift of God.

In my opinion, until the state of Self is attained, there should be complete control over form, taste, smell, word and touch. The encirclement of spiritual discipline is essential. Yes, if instructed and allowed, then only one should bring out one’s divine experiences in a very brief form but very carefully. By this, the ego cannot touch in any case. But this is my opinion, not necessarily acceptable to everyone.

This journey is definitely indescribable and it is an impossible
endeavour to capture its feelings in words. That’s why many fully accomplished and totally enlightened sages become totally silent from speech after attainment. Only they carry forward the work of a spiritual guide to whom God Himself entrusts the work of a Sadguru.

विनम्र शुभेक्षाओं सहित,

Humble Wishes.


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A Humble Prayer…..!!!

मेरा मत है कि हम लोंगो को अत्यधिक विस्तार की अपेक्षा अब अपने आध्यात्मिक विचारों को अत्यंत सावधानी से संयत रखने की अधिक आवश्यकता है। मुझे लगता है कि आध्यात्मिक ग्रंथों के यौगिक शब्दों को केवल यौगिक दृष्टिकोण, यौगिक प्रक्रिया के माध्यम एवं किसी तत्वनिष्ठ, परमात्म भाव में स्थित पूर्ण महापुरुष के प्रमाणित वाणी द्वारा ही समझने या समझाने में कल्याण है। विशेष कर भगवदगीता के यौगिक शब्दों को समझने या समझाने में बहुत सतर्क रहने की आवश्यकता है।

इसके यौगिक शब्दों में अपने आप को समाहित कर संभवतः उन मनोगत भावों का अवश्य स्पर्श करने का भरपूर प्रयत्न करना चाहिए जो मनोगत भाव भगवान श्री कृष्ण और अर्जुन के थे युद्ध के उस विषम परिस्थिति में, और जो वाह्य नहीं अपितु आंतरिक हैं और अन्तर्देश में ही घटित होते हैं। गीता गुरु-शिष्य संवाद है। इस महाग्रंथ में वर्णित कठिन तपश्चर्या के अनुसार आध्यात्मिक जीवन यापन के परिणाम स्वरूप अन्तर्देश में इसके सार गर्भित रहस्य धीरे धीरे मुखरित होकर अपने ज्ञान पुंज के प्रकाश को प्रसारित होने की क्षमता एवं तत्पश्चात  व्यक्त करने की अनुमति देते हैं। भगवद गीता कोरे साहित्य की साधारण पुस्तक नहीं है जो मात्र शैक्षणिक स्तर का विषय होकर व्यक्ति का व्यक्ति से साधारण संवाद का कारण बने। यह महापुरुषों का विषय है, किसी सामान्य व्यक्ति का नहीं जो जब जो चाहे व्यक्त करे या लिख कर पुस्तकों का रूप देकर प्रकाशित कर दे। यही कारण है कि इसे केवल वाह्य स्तर पर ही नहीं अपितु अन्तर्देश में किसी पूर्ण महापुरुष द्वारा अत्यंत सुगमता से समझाने या समझा जाने का विधान है। महाभारत के युद्ध में श्री कृष्ण की वाणी केवल अर्जुन ही सुन समझ सका, बाकी सभी विद्वान अथवा योद्धा मूक दर्शक बन कर खड़े रहे और समझ भी नहीं सके कि क्या हो रहा है?

भगवद गीता आत्मा का अध्ययन सिखाती है। इसीलिए इसकी प्रामाणिक आध्यात्मिक व्याख्या सामने पड़ते ही स्वयं अपनी आत्मा ही उसकी पहचान कर, अविलंब उसे स्वीकार कर आत्मसात कर लेती है।

मन बहुत ही चंचल और चालाक होता है। वाचाल होना उसकी प्रकृति है जिससे अनगिनत वृत्तियों का सृजन होता है। हम दिशाहीन हो जाते हैं और इधर उधर भटक कर अनावश्यक उद्देश्यों के पूर्ति हेतु जीवन के प्रमुख उद्देश्य को भूल जाते हैं। वृत्तियों का विस्तार हानिकारक है क्योंकि परमात्मा से दूरी बढ़ जाती है। मन को तो कोई न कोई विषय चाहिए जिसमें उलझ कर ईश्वर के तरफ उन्मुख न होने का बहाना बना ले और सांसारिक विस्तार को जन्म देकर पूर्णतया निरुद्ध होने से बचता रहे। हम सब के लिए यहीं से भूलभुलैया का जटिल जाल बनना शुरू हो जाता है जिसमें फसने के कारण जीवन मृत्यु का बंधन काटना असंभव सा लगने लगता है। हम यहीं से और इसी से निराश हो जाते हैं।

यदि अब मानवता को बचाना है तो हमें अपने सभी सद्ग्रन्थों की निर्विवाद और भ्रमरहित व्याख्या को विश्व पटल पर पहुंचाना ही होगा ताकि मानवता का सर्वांगीण कल्याण हो सके। मैंने जीवन में देश विदेश की विश्वस्तरीय कई बड़ी लाइब्रेरियों को देखा है जहां स्कॉलरों की करोड़ों पुस्तकें धूल चाट रहीं है किंतु मनुष्य अज्ञानता के जाल से बाहर नहीं निकल पा रहा है। सोशल मीडिया पर ज्ञान का महासमुंद्र उमड़ पड़ा है किंतु सम्पूर्ण मानवता अंधेरे में पड़ी है। क्यों? इस कडुए सत्य को हमें स्वीकार करना ही होगा और इसका समुचित हल ढूंढना ही होगा।

हो सकता है मेरे विचार उचित न लगें। किंतु अब हम सभी को किसी ठोस संकल्प के साथ ठोस कदमों और विचारों से आगे बढ़ने का संकल्प लेना ही होगा और सम्पूर्ण मानव सम्माज को भय और भ्रम के वातावरण से मुक्ति दिलाने का अथक प्रयास करना ही होगा, यही मेरी प्रार्थना है।

I am of the opinion that we need more careful moderation of our spiritual thoughts now than its excessive expansion. I think that it is better to understand or explain the metaphysical words of spiritual texts only with the metaphysical approach, metaphysical process and through the authentic spiritual discourses of any fully accomplished and totally enlightened sage who is truly knower of the essence of God. There is a need to be very careful especially in understanding or explaining the metaphysical words of Bhagavad Gita.

By including oneself in its metaphysical words, perhaps one should make every effort to touch those sacred divine feelings and emotions, which were of Shri Krishna and Arjuna in that difficult situation of Mahabharat war, and which are not external but fully internal and happening within inner realm. Bhagavad Gita is a Guru-disciple dialogue. As a result of living a spiritual life according to the rigorous austerity described in this epic, the divine secrets contained in its essence in the interior gradually emerge, allow the ability to spread the light of its wisdom and then to express it. Bhagavad Gita is not an ordinary book of simple literature which, being treated merely as a subject of academic level, becomes a reason for simple conversation between person to person. This is the subject of fully enlightened and totally accomplished sages, not of any ordinary person who can express or write whatever he wants and publish it in the form of books at any time and any where. This is the reason why there is a must need to get explained or understood this divine wisdom very easily by a noble fully accomplished master, not only at the external level but also internally. In the war of Mahabharata, only Arjun could understand and listen to Shri Krishna’s voice, all the other scholars or warriors stood as mute spectators and could not even understand what was happening?

The Bhagavad Gita teaches the study of the soul. That’s why as soon as its authentic spiritual explanation comes in front, our own soul recognises it, accepts it and imbibes it without delay.
The mind is very fickle and clever. It is its nature to be talkative due to which countless instincts/dispositions are created. We become directionless and forget the main purpose of life by wandering here and there to fulfil unnecessary purposes. The expansion of instincts/dispositions is harmful because of which the distance from God increases. The mind searches some or the other material subject in which it can get entangled and make an excuse for not turning towards God and by giving birth to worldly expansion, it avoids in getting completely restrained. For all of us, it starts to become a complex web of labyrinth, in which it seems impossible to cut the bond of life and death due to getting horribly trapped. This is where we get totally disappointed.

If humanity has to be saved now, then we have to bring the undisputed and confusion-free interpretation of all our scriptures to the global stage so that the all-round welfare of entire mankind can happen. In my life, I have seen many big world-class libraries of the country and abroad, where crores of books of scholars are biting the dust, but man is not able to get out of the trap of ignorance. The ocean of knowledge has overflowed on social media but the whole humanity is lying in darkness. Why? We have to accept this bitter truth and find a proper solution for it.

My thoughts may not seem right. But now we all have to take a pledge to move ahead with concrete steps and thoughts with a concrete resolution and will have to make tireless efforts to free the entire human society from the atmosphere of fear and confusion, this is my prayer.


विनम्र शुभेक्षाओं सहित,

Humble Wishes.
~ mrityunjayanand.

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महर्षि पतञ्जलिकृतं योगदर्शन…..!!!/ Maharshi Patanjalikrit Yogdarshan……!!!

महर्षि पतञ्जलिकृतं योगदर्शन – पूज्य स्वामी अड़गड़ानंदजी द्वारा श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता के भाष्य ‘यथार्थ गीता’ का विश्व जनमानस में समादर की भावना देखकर भक्तों और साधकों ने निवेदन किया कि पातञ्जल योगदर्शन पर भी पूज्यश्री कुछ कहने की कृपा करें क्योंकि योग स्वानुभूति है जिसे मात्र भौतिक स्तर पर समझा नहीं जा सकता | पूज्य – चरण एक महापुरुष हैं, योग के स्तर से स्वयं गुजरें हैं | भक्तों के आग्रह पर महाराजजी ने कृपा कर जो प्रवचन दिये, प्रस्तुत कृति उसी का संकलन है | योगदर्शन की इस टीका से, योग क्या है ? इतना तो समझ में आ सकता है किन्तु योग की स्थितियाँ साधना में प्रवृत होने के पश्चात् ही समझ में आती हैं | तप, स्वाध्याय, ईश्वर – प्रणिधान और ओम् के जप से आरम्भ हो जाती हैं जिससे अविधादि क्लेशों के क्षीण होने पर द्रष्टा आत्मा जागृत होकर कल्याणकारी दृश्य प्रसारित करने लगता है | उसी के आलोक में चलकर समझा जा सकता है कि महर्षि पतञ्जलिकृत योगसूत्रों का अभिप्राय क्या है ? योग प्रत्यक्ष दर्शन है, यह लिखने या कहने से नहीं आता | क्रियात्मक चलकर ही साधक समझ पाता है कि जो कुछ महर्षि ने लिखा है उसका वास्तविक आशय क्या है |

After the publication of Yatharth Geeta, which is a commentary on “Srimad Bhagavad Gita”, the devotees requested the revered Swami Ji to throw light on Patanjali’s Yog Darshan too because yog is related with self – realisation. It cannot be perceived on material grounds. The revered Maharaj Shree is a Mahapurush who has passed through all the stages of Yog. The present work is the collection of what Maharaj Shree delivered in his preaching. By going through this commentary one can understand what Yog is but the real perception of Yog is possible only after practical pursuit of Yogic – Sadhana. With Tap, Swadhyaya, Ishwar – Pranidhan and chanting of Om, the real Sadhana starts. By their practice, the Avidhya and Kleshas got removed and the self starts transmitting beneficial vistas. In their light alone the Yogic – maxims written by Maharishi Patanjali can be truly comprehended. Yog is direct perception, no oral or written words can explain it. Practical pursuits alone can make the comprehension of Yog – Darshan possible.

~ Swami Adgadanand ji ~

Freely Downloadable PDF’s of Maharshi Patanjalikrit Yog Darshan in Hindi and English:



Freely Downloadable Audio Links of Maharshi Patanjalikrit Yog Darshan in Hindi:


Humble Wishes.

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The BhagawadGeeta in its True Perspective…….!!!!!

It appears that there is no need of any further exposition of the
Geeta. Hundreds of commentaries, out of which more than fifty are in
Sanskrit, have been attempted so far. But, although there are scores of
interpretations, they have a common basis- the Geeta, which is only
one. Why then one may wonder, are there all these divergent opinions
and controversies when Yogeshwar Krishn’s message must of necessity
have been only one? The proclaimer verily speaks of the Truth that is only
one, but if there are ten listeners they construe his meaning in ten
different ways. Our grasp of what has been said is determined by the
extent to which we are under the domination of one of the three properties
of nature, namely, Sattwa (moral virtue and goodness), Rajas (passion
and moral blindness), and Tamas (ignorance and darkness). We cannot
comprehend beyond the limitations imposed by these properties. So it
is logical that there should be all these disputes about the import of the
Geeta-‘The Lord’s Song’.

Men fall prey to doubts, not only because many different views
are held on a given subject, but also because of the fact that the same
principle is often enunciated in different ways and styles at different
times. Quite a good many existing commentaries on the Geeta are
touched by the current of truth, and yet if one of them-even a just and
correct interpretation is placed among a thousand other interpretations
it is almost impossible to recognize it for what it is. Identification of
truth is an onerous task, for even falsehood wears the ‘brows’ of truth.
The many expositions of the Geeta all profess that they represent truth
even though they may not have any inkling of it. As against this, even
when quite a good many interpreters did succeed in coming by this
truth, for a number of reasons they were prevented from giving a public
utterance to it.

The much too common inability to get at the meaning of the Geeta
in its true perspective may be attributed to the fact that Krishn was a
yogi, an enlightened sage. Only another great and accomplished Soul-
man of knowledge and discernment-who has gradually attained to the
ultimate spiritual goal discoursed upon by Krishn can realize and reveal
the real intent of the Yogeshwar when he preached to his friend and
disciple Arjun. What is within one’s mind cannot be fully expressed by
mere words. While some of it is communicated by facial expression
and gestures, and even by what is named ‘eloquent’ silence, the rest
that is still unexpressed is something dynamic and seekers can know it
only through action and by actually traversing the path of quest. So
only another sage who has himself trodden the path and arrived at
Krishn’s sublime state may know what the message of the Geeta really
is. Rather than just reproducing lines from the scripture, he can know
and demonstrate its intent and significance, for Krishn’s insights and
perceptions are also his insights and perceptions. Since he is a seer
himself, he cannot only show the essence but also awaken it in others,
and even prompt and enable them to embark on the way that leads to it.

~Swami Adgadanand. ©

Source: Yatharth Geeta.

Freely Downloadable PDF’s of Yatharth Geeta in Hindi and English:



Freely Downloadable Audio Links of Yatharth Geeta in Hindi and English:


Humble Wishes.


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***Welcome New Year-2022″……..!!!!!

Sings Sri Krishn in Bhagavad Gita:
प्रह्लादश्चास्मि दैत्यानां कालः कलयतामहम्।
मृगाणां च मृगेन्द्रोऽहं वैनतेयश्च पक्षिणाम्॥
prahlādaścāsmi daityānām kālah kalayatāmaham
mrgānām ca mrgendro’ham vainateyaśca paksinā
“…कालः कलयतामहम्..”……..”kālah kalayatāmaham…”
...unit of time for reckoners...
Sri Krishn is time among those who are given to counting its units.
This reckoning is really not of numbers and of divisions of time.
Sri Krishn is rather the progressive lengthening of time that is devoted to the contemplation of God.
He is the time of incessant remembrance of God not only in the hours of wakefulness but also in sleep.
And the same time…..added from moments to moments……
Seconds to seconds…….minutes to minutes….hours to hours…
days to days…weeks to weeks….months to months……..takes the shape of a year.
This man made present year-2021 has to pass out very shortly after few counted hours.
It will generate a New Year-2022 just before finally passing out
hand over the relay flag for onward time race to coming New Year as usual
with certain experiences to us
depending upon individual earned merits and demerits.
Who is this time?
And how this can be made happy and prosperous for each of us
without consent of it’s original owner?
Though we may wish to each other on our own
but better if our wishes are submitted in lotus feet of God first
then to get shared with each other,
with prayer for getting granted happiness and prosperous moments
to entire mankind with joyful impulses
to spend through out the coming New Year-2022.
I pray to God to bless all of us, a very Happy and Prosperous coming New Year-2022.
Let us sing all together this prayer at these great moments :

Humble Wishes!!!



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Be truthful……!!!!

“Be truthful” and that sets every thing dear blessed Souls. By being truthful,
you may be near and dear to only truth which is God.

God exactly knows what and how much one must know and how rest of HIS delusive maya has to be faced out?
Keep in mind that blinded by feelings associated with the operation of tamas, rajas and sattwa,
men fail to perceive the indestructible and the one reality that is God-quite beyond the properties of nature.

So He cannot be known if there is even the slightest trace of these properties.
So long as these properties envelop the worshipper’s mind, his journey is incomplete.
He has still to go along; he is still on the way.

God’s celestial maya, the power from which the empirical universe is evolved, is most difficult to comprehend,
but they who are always engaged in the worship of God navigate safely across it.
This maya is called divine.
It should never be forgotten that it is something that we have to vanquish and get across.

So beautifully sings Lord Krishn in Bhagavad Gita:

“The ignorant and unwise are the most despicable of men and doers of wickedness,
because deluded by maya and having demoniacal qualities they do not worship me.”

They who contemplate and adore God know this. And yet there are many others who do not worship.
Men with evil propensities whose discrimination has been ravished by maya,
the meanest amongst mankind who are immersed in lust and anger, do not worship God.

Start intoning God dear blessed Souls by any name you like consisting of two or two and half words maximum because this has to be synchronized with inhale and exhale breath at a later advanced stage and will certainly find by divine arrangement what exactly is needed.
Rest all is simply expansion of mind which traps you all the way.

And a big Yes…..”Encourage One Another”… that one may find the path…..this pathless path to get free from the shackles of birth and death at an earliest which is the root cause of entire grief.

Bow down in lotus feet of revered Gurudev for such teachings to me.

Humble Wishes!!!
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