Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

Dharm is an obligation-a sacred trust…!!!

The unreal never exists and the real is never without existence at any time. God alone is real, permanent, indestructible, changeless, and eternal, but he is beyond thought, imperceptible and quite above the fluttering of mind. Action is the name … Continue reading

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The Master is an expert Dyer, He has colored my veil….!!!

  _/l\_ Humble Wishes!!!  

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With who should I play Holi?

Phalgun (the season of fruitfulness and blessings ), the season of Basant (spring), implies unending intoxication. The wordily seasons come and go but when the heart is intoxicated, it lingers forever, the intoxication never wanes. This is possible only through … Continue reading

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How can I tell you that which it is?

_/l\_ Humble Wishes!!!  

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Get me liberated from worldly bondage O’God…!!! _/l\_    Humble Wishes!!!  

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Om Namah Shivay….!!!

Prabum pran natham vibhum vishwa natham Jagannatha natham sada nanda bhajam Bhavat bhavya bhuteshwaram bhutnatham Shivam sankaram shambu meshan meda I pray You, Śiva, Śańkara, Śambhu, Who is the Lord, Who is the Lord of our lives, Who is Vibhu, … Continue reading

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