Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

It can never be a shadow in dark ignorance of this life,then who is walking step by step with me….?

It can never be a shadow in dark ignorance of this life, then who is walking step by step with me? _/l\_ Humble Wishes!!!


One may stand firm alone externally as well internally in crowd of millions if gains the solid strength of alone-ness and deep wisdom of spiritual Life…!!!

************************ _/l\_ Humble Wishes!!! Gratitude: YouTube.  


All beings are dominated by their governing property and act under its compulsion…!!!

All beings are dominated by their governing property and act under its compulsion. The sage who is blessed with perception also makes his efforts in accordance with his nature. Ordinary men abide in their actions and the wise in their Self. … Continue reading

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Love is God and God is love……!!!

Love is God and God is love. One can never experience the true heat of love without experiencing HIS presence within the inner realm of heart in true terms. And since God is immortal,the true love is too. That which … Continue reading

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True spiritualism requires a subtle approach, mood,courage and patience because each vibration is in subtle form here….!!!

Let doubts dissipate with greater regularity, greater speed. Let it be more subtle ~ and let strengthening vibration that rises be more and more to surface.  True spiritualism requires a subtle approach, mood,courage and patience because each vibration is in … Continue reading

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Mind to no mind journey…!!!

We may know about the different stages of mind. How mind differs at different level of spiritual elevations? How mind of an ordinary man gets transformed with gradual advancement through spiritual austerities? It initiates from the moment when the mind … Continue reading

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