Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

Move ahead simply in silence, with silence to silence to reach to Eternal Silence..!!!.

Move ahead simply in silence, with silence to silence……… to reach to Eternal Silence….!!! Move so secretly that even your shadow may not see your movement. You will find further path on spiritual path.  Love needs pure and honest heart … Continue reading

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To look much at ego may again reflect as a reflection of ego….!!!

To look much at ego may again reflect as a reflection of ego. Let this melt in latent heat of spiritual virtues named as discrimination, renunciation, restraint, tranquility, courage and intellect similarly as an ice cube melts in open air … Continue reading

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“Listen to me, dear Sadhu! the true path is rarely found….!!!

Sings Revered Sant Kabir: “O SERVANT, where dost thou seek Me? Lo! I am beside thee. I am neither in temple nor in mosque: I am neither in Kaaba nor in Kailash: Neither am I in rites and ceremonies, nor … Continue reading

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Love shows no external wound. But the pain pervades every pore…!!!

“Only he knows the bitterness of love Who has deeply felt its pangs. When you are in trouble No one comes near you: When fortune smiles. All come to share the joy. Love shows no external wound. But the pain … Continue reading

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The pain of wound can never be realized till not get self wounded…..!!!

The pain of wound can never be realized till not get self wounded…..!!! Dimensionless state of Silence is attainment to repose and the everlasting, ultimate bliss. That’s why sings Bhagavad Gita: “Earnestly resigning all your deeds to me, finding shelter … Continue reading

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How do I know how I lost my way….?

YOU ASK ME who are you and with such a shaky existence how can you fall in love? How do I know who am I or where I am? How could a simple wave locate itself in an ocean? You … Continue reading

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