Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

And the path becomes much easier……!!!!

The stage of awareness well judged by discrimination opens all the gates. Continuity of experiential expansion of consciousness.. gets no obstruction at any stage any where.  Simply one has to get flown… well balanced till the final attainment of ultimate … Continue reading

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Spiritual wisdom is that which is free from all blemishes..!!!

I salute the lotus feet of my Guru, The ocean of compassion, and God (Hari) in the form of man (Nara), Whose words like rays of the sun Dispel the heavy darkness of over-powering delusion. Spiritual wisdom is that which … Continue reading

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My beloved Lord is within…..!!!

The Supreme Soul is seen within the soul, The Point is seen within the Supreme Soul, And within the Point, the reflection is seen again. Within this earthen vessel are bowers and groves, and within it is the Creator: Within … Continue reading

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Walk patiently through this troubled world and you’ll find a great treasure….!!!

We are a haystack, the wheat entangled with the hay; Through the reviving wind, disentangle the wheat from the hay, Let the sorrow go to the sorrow, the joy to the joy, Let the mud go to the mud, and … Continue reading

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Never give up…!!!

Never give up…!!! “When you go through a hard period, When everything seems to oppose you, When you feel you cannot bear even one minute, NEVER GIVE UP Because it is the time and place that the course will divert.” … Continue reading

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Words are words simply…. An empty attempt to whisper about Absolute…!!!

Words are words simply…. An empty attempt to whisper about Absolute ! The One-ness of the word and Silence!!! Silence can be shared in total silence……. with in the realm of heart, where true abode of God is, with Eternal … Continue reading

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