Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

There can be no devotion without knowing the object of devotion….!!!

There can be no devotion without knowing the object of devotion and knowledge comes from contemplation. Without devotion there can be no peace and a man with a disturbed mind cannot experience happiness, much less the state of changeless, eternal … Continue reading

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To trim the mind along with the body and senses in keeping with the goal is Penance….!!!

True cure is that which provides liberation from the general malady of the world. The beginning of worship or adoration is the commencement of this remedy. When meditation is complete, we are wholly cured. The Supreme Spirit is the only … Continue reading

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Oneness….only oneness exists……!!!!

Silence always leads towards eternal silence. When your mind and senses get totally restrained, there is no way out except to reach to the stage of stillness…….., of complete silence….!!!  And beloved waits there…. waits for your final merger so … Continue reading

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How witness at the beginning is transformed into the Supreme Spirit himself…?

Jeeva/Maya/Supreme being and then Jeeva/Supreme Being minus Maya and then remains only Supreme Being with final merger getting minus to Jeeva and Maya. Bhagavad Gita sings: upadrastānumantā ca bhartā bhoktā maheśvarah paramātmeti cāpyukto dehe’sminpurusah parah “Although residing in the body, … Continue reading

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Until that moment …………. the seeker has to carry on his worship…..!!!

Both the ways, of light and darkness, of knowledge and ignorance, have been forever. But the merits of worship are never destroyed. The one who dies in the state of knowledge and brightness achieves ultimate salvation, but the one who … Continue reading

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Simply to keep quite is not silence…..!!!!

Simply to keep quite is not silence…..!!! When all the possible doors of your mind and senses get closed permanently for total filtering of any material noise as a result of spiritual austerities, one reaches to the stage of silence.  Such … Continue reading

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