Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

A seeker should not desire even absolution…..!!!

Even if the Soul is rewarded with what he desires, he will have to assume a body in order to enjoy it. A seeker should not desire even absolution, for absolution is total freedom from passions. Thinking over the acquisition … Continue reading

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Seven successive stages of yog…..!!!

Seven successive stages of yog virtuous aspiration, discrimination, refinement of spirit, inclination to truth, disinterestedness, advancement on the spiritual path towards union with God and along with them the moulding of the four faculties of mind, intellect, thought and ego … Continue reading

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“Realization of God is the sublime culmination of this spiritual process”…..!!!.

Being all alone in a place where there are no distractions, restraint of mind, body, and senses, and a complete rejection of attachments are all essential for a man who is engaged in the task of Self-realization.  When self-control is … Continue reading

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Prerequisites for the celebration of present moments realizing the immutable….!!!

Remembering none except God and restraining the mind from having any thought that is not of him, firm devotion, incessant meditation and recital with humble reverence, and a total absorption of the Soul in him, are the prerequisites for the … Continue reading

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“The light among lights and said to be beyond darkness, that God….!!!

Sings Bhagavad Gita: ज्योतिषामपि तज्ज्योतिस्तमसः परमुच्यते। ज्ञानं ज्ञेयं ज्ञानगम्यं हृदि सर्वस्य विष्ठितम्॥ * jyotisāmapi tajjyotistamasah paramucyate jñānam jñeyam jñānagamyam hrdi sarvasya visthitam * “The light among lights and said to be beyond darkness, that God, the embodiment of knowledge, worthy … Continue reading

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Fear is a property of nature, not of God…..!!!

Darkness leads to delusions. If delusion prevails, it will enwrap the material world’s forest of fear which we inhabit in yet another shroud of fear to make the existing dread even more frightening. Delusion cannot offer anything else except this. … Continue reading

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