- RAMNAVAMI, The Day of Manifestation of Bhagwan Shree RAM!
- ब्रह्म आचरणमयी प्रवृत्ति ही वानरी सेना है! (The Conduct Imbued by Bhrama Itself is The Vanar Army!)
- अब कृपा करो श्री राम नाथ दुख टारो (Now, Please Show Mercy, Lord Ram, and Take Away My Sorrows)
- भये प्रगट कृपाला दीनदयाला! (The Compassionate and Merciful Lord Appeared)
- मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम प्रभु श्री राम का नीतिगत किंतु मर्यादित क्रोध। (The Ethical but Dignified Anger of Maryada Purushottam Lord Shri Ram!)
- Devotion, a Drop of The Ocean!
- योगिक अनुभवों के माध्यम से श्रीराम को समझा जा सकता है! (Shree Ram is Comprehensible through Yogic Experiences!)
- बार बार रघुबीर सँम्हारी! (Unceasingly Remembering Lord Ram!)
- राम, एक अनुभवगम्य आध्यात्मिक विश्लेषण (Ram, A Perceptible Spiritual Analysis)
- सो अज प्रेम भगति बस कौसल्या के गोद! (That unborn, Eternal One Has, Out of Love and Devotion, Taken the Lap of Kausalya!)
- Bow Down in Your Lotus Feet O’Lord Ram!
- I Adore the Lord of the Universe Bearing the Name of Ram!
- राम राम राम जीह जौलौं तू न जपिहै (Until you Chant the Name of Lord Ram with your Tongue)
- जे राखे रघुबीर, ते उबरे तेहिं काल महु (Those Protected by Raghubir (Lord Ram) are Saved, even in the Direst of Times)
- रामचरित मानस के ‘दर्शन, अध्यात्म, और विज्ञानं’ का संक्षिप्त आध्यात्मिक स्वरूप! (A Concise Spiritual Essence of the “Philosophy, Spirituality, and Science” of the Ramcharitmanas)
- बुद्धिहीन रावण! राम क्या मनुष्य हैं…?
- प्रभु श्री राम का आध्यात्मिक स्वरूप! (The Spiritual Form of Lord Shri Ram!)
- जननी मैं न जीऊँ बिन राम! (Mother, I shall Not Live Without Ram)
- राम नाम मणिदीप है! (The Name of Ram is a Gem-like Lamp)
- “हमारे साथ श्री रघुनाथ तो किस बात की चिंता” (With us is Lord Raghunath, so why worry about anything?)
- श्रीराम द्वारा दी गई शिक्षाएं! (Teachings Given by Shri Ram)
- श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजुमन हरण भवभय दारुणं । (O Mind, Worship the Merciful Shri Ramachandra, Who Removes the Terrible Fear of Worldly Existence)
- सर्वव्यापी होते हुए, आप हर जगह हैं – हैं श्रीराम! (Being Omnipresent, You are Everywhere….O’ Lord Ram!)
- Spiritual Insight Upon Holi, Indian Festival of Colours – 2024, At A Glance……!!!!!!
- होली पर्व का वास्तविक पक्ष…..!!!!!/ The real aspect of Holi festival…..!!!!!
- रंगभरी एकादशी…..!!!!!
- A humble compilation of spiritual assets in the form of Booklets/Books…….!!!!!
- Let us dive deep in Spiritual Ocean of Bhagavad Gita………..!!!!
- भगवद गीता ई-पुस्तकें और ऑडियो लिंक! (Bhagavad Gita E-Books and Audio Links!)
- रामचरित मानस और मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम प्रभु श्री राम………….!!!!!
- Pranayam..!!!
- Dhyan/Meditation in Ramcharit Manas………….!!!!!
- Meditation/Dhyan……………!!!!!
- Is really Bhagavad Gita “an extremist literature” spreading “social disorder”?
- “Final doom is the inexpressible state of the total identity of Soul with God while the body yet is”…… as per metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita….!!!
- Divine arrangements are constantly unfolding. Is the goal of these arrangements’ happiness…….???
- I picture it in layers. The soul is ever expansive whereas the mind is like an antenna. The ego is like a wire that plugs into the antenna. This image makes it easier to see how the soul is superior in scale yet is able to be consciously connected to body mind complex.
- Does single mindedness occur while letting attachment to a personal self-dissolve……….?????
- हे सदाशिव……….!!!
- हृदय से करबद्ध प्रार्थना………!!!!
- समाधियाँ…,!!!!
- साधना की पूर्ति के लिए उत्तरोत्तर आसक्ति का त्याग ही त्याग है, कृपया उत्तरोत्तर आसक्ति को समझाइए………!!!!।
- अन्तःकरण की वृत्ति के अनुरूप तप का क्या मतलब है……….?
- “Metaphysical Interpretation of “Dharma” as per vision of truly enlightened sage, knower of the true essence / तत्वदर्शी की दृष्टि से “धर्म” की आध्यात्मिक व्याख्या..!!!
- “Dharm” As Defined In Ramcharit Manas………A Metaphysical Interpretation…..!!!
- “नवरात्रि” का अध्यात्मिक विवेचन………!!!
- Concept of Navratri……!!!
- नवरात्रि के पुण्य एवं निर्मल सांकेतिक संदेशों के परिवेश में साधना की विवेचना……!!!
- “What helpful advice can you prescribe for our forum aspirants so that they can stay in such a state? In other words: “What may bring about the arising of the ”Longing“?”
- “What helpful advice can you prescribe for our forum aspirants so that they can stay in a state that Sri Krishn described as Stitha Prajna for a longer time, immersed in spirit?”
- Two ways of spiritual discipline, the Way of Discrimination or Knowledge for sages and the Way of Selfless Action for men of action…..!!!”
- The True Meaning Of “Action” Or “Karm” (pronounced as “KARMA”as well) Is Therefore Worship……!!!
- “Resting in yog, renouncing infatuation for worldly ties, and looking at success and failure with an equal mind, one should undertake action…….!!!”
- What is the true concept of “Karm”(pronounced as “KARMA” as well) or Action is as per teachings of Yogeshwar Krishn in Bhagavad Gita?
- Metaphysical interpretation of the term “Karma”/ Action as per divine concepts of Yogeshwar Krishn taught in Bhagavd Gita……!!!!
- The very first appearance of metaphysical term “Karm”/Action (pronounced as “Karma” as well) which emerged from Bhagavad Gita……!!!!
- The burning of Holika in the form of ignorance and the shining of Prahlad in the form of God’s love is the real aspect of Holi festival.
- An Intution……..!!!!!
- A Humble Prayer…..!!!
- महर्षि पतञ्जलिकृतं योगदर्शन…..!!!/ Maharshi Patanjalikrit Yogdarshan……!!!
- The BhagawadGeeta in its True Perspective…….!!!!!
- ***Welcome New Year-2022″……..!!!!!
- Be truthful……!!!!
- “O Agni, Enlightening Purifying Energy, elevate us to the right path, full of grace and joy…..!!!!
- अब पूर्ण और केवल पूर्ण समाधिस्थ ही होना है………!!!!!
- Now I have to be complete and only in complete samadhi……!!1
- Those are the happiest moments of my life when any one asks me about most Revered Gurudev….!!!
- I think from whom to know….?
- The regulation of the incoming and outgoing breath……???
- यदि रुकता नहीं तो क्या करता, रास्ता कहीं और था, काफिले कहीं और थे…….???
- ”Om purnamadah purnamidam purnat purnamudachyate……!!!!
- The three bases of demoniacal tendencies…..!!!!
- The human psyche is subject to the rise and ebb of divine and devilish instincts.
- सोच खूबसूरत कैसे हो, एक विचारणीय प्रश्न ………???
- The conduct-the way of life – of the sage who dwells in the ultimate essence is his nature…..!!!
- Who surely achieves total oneness with God……..???
- Fire is a symbol of God’s radiance as day is of knowledge……!!!
- “सबसे अधिक बुद्धि वाला मानव समाज ही आज प्रेम और करुणा से किस कारणवश अकारण वंचित होता जा रहा है…???
- Never get trapped……!!!
- True learning is that which enables the man who has acquired it to go along God’s way….!!!
- Nature itself is a gambler and cheat……!!!!
- O’ Lord Shanker…!!!
- Prayer leads to direct perception rather than flight of fancy…..!!!!
- “O Parth, As Men Worship Me, Even So Do I Accept Them, sings Lord Krishn in Bhagavad Gita….!!!
- Can any one experience divine righteous impulses simply by raising slogans and enjoying materialistic lusts with the concept that matter and spirit can be enjoyed both at a time….?
- “atman, the “Self” is the chariot’s passenger…….!!!”
- To know Self……!!!
- “Dharma as defined in Ramcharit Manas….!!!”
- A message to entire Globe defining “Dharma” in view of Bhagavad Gita verse / श्रीमदभगवदगीता से परिभाषित “धर्म” शब्द की आध्यात्मिक व्याख्या….….!!!
- A message to entire Globe defining “Hindu” in view of Bhagavad Gita verses….!!!
- A message from Bhagavad Gita to entire Globe.
- The light among lights and said to be beyond darkness, that God…..!!!
- How wonderful……!!!
- “l am the almighty time (kal), now inclined to and engaged in the destruction of worlds….!!!
- I am having a very strong intuition which is inspiring me to share my feelings with entire globe….!!!
- What is to be said of a person who drifts into nidra every time a particular consciousness is reached especially during dhyaana?
- तर्पण/अर्पण….!!!
- Ah, now I can feel this.. tak..tak..tak..!!!
- Happy New Year…!!!
- Vision is ever in proportion to mastery of the mind and the senses……!!!
- Let the vessel of splendor shine…..!!!
- “I just have a great curiousity about what I am and what about all around me…???”
- Bare hardships of worldly mortal life…..!!!!
- Guru Purnima is almost getting over…..!!!
- A Soul realizes the ultimate essence while he is yet in his assumed human body…..!!!
- The real and metaphysical birthday is the day when one really gets refuge forever in any totally accomplished and fully enlightened sage…!!!
- A man is primarily his will….!!!!
- Selfless action is only one…!!!
- Not means but the determination of mind needs to be firm…..!!!!
- Advent of desire is inimical to wisdom….!!!
- The present festive moments of this great festival Holi…!!!!
- Rang De Chunariya….!!!
- Mutinous senses ravish even discerning and active minds…..!!!
- This is true salvation after which there are no fetters of birth and death….!!!
- “Not means but the determination of mind needs to be firm.”
- I am He, I am He….!!!
- Silent and peaceful departure of the soul from this corporeal frame…!!!
- As the water of the many rivers falls into the full and ever constant ocean…!!!
- Emptiness…???
- With warm wishes for a very very happy New Year…..!!!
- Anger resides at the heart of desire……!!!!
- A very rich accumulation of sacred divine impulses…..!!!
- Spiritual journey is certainly tough….!!!
- Silence…!!!
- The lifting of Govardhan Hill…!!!
- माटी की काया में, अरे कोई तो दियना जलाओ रे…….!!!
- To achieve the state of steady contemplation is real war…..!!!
- Under canopy of divine wisdom….!!!!
- To frame the attributes of God within boundaries of words and to discuss in details how spiritual wisdom has been understood in different modes….!!
- Real path of Self Realization…!!!
- May the festival of Vijayadashami (Dussehra) bring victory and remembrance of Lord Ram in life!!!
- God’s celestial maya, the power from which the empirical universe is evolved, is most difficult to comprehend…!!!
- Only by worship carried on through innumerable births…..!!!
- “Guru” is a status which is achieved through the highest level of spiritual austerities….!!!
- All the way it is mind…!!!!
- O’ God, bless me with a deep quiet life…!!!
- Is not this that really you are too stressed and a little bit tired….?
- Vices get converted into virtues…..!!!
- Journey from darkness of ignorance to brightness of divine light……!!!
- Bhagavad Gita and its scientific relevance…..!!!
- Richness of materialstic blindness……!!!
- I am indeed, that eternal knowing….!!!
- Happy Mother’s Day…!!!
- Perfect repose flows……!!!
- Rather than dreaming…….!!!
- He who is the ocean of bliss, mass of divine joys is God…!!!
- Soul Certifies….!!!
- Only a seer views the Soul as a marvel…….!!!
- O’ Parth, as men worship me……..!!!
- The sage alone who beholds the individual Self….!!!
- Memorizing the own past with a serene mind…..!!!
- May God colour you and family with HIS colour of oneness…!!!
- The toughest task while maintaining the pace of living a seeker’s life….!!!
- You, O infinite, are the primal God……!!!
- Real spiritual pain of a true seeker…!!!!
- Absolute peace…..!!!
- It is Only a Living, Totally Accomplished and Enlightened Guru who can Manage to Play the Part of Mother, Father and Grandsire, all the Three at a Time in a Single Span of Human Life…!!!
- Words are words simply…. An empty attempt to whisper about Absolute….!!!
- A very rich accumulation of sacred pious divine impulses in our inner realm are must to reach and resonate with the spiritual frequencies of highly elevated divine Souls..!!!
- How difficult it was to listen and believe….!!!
- If we can not understand God, it’s better not to misunderstand HIM too….!!!
- The man whose mind is clouded with vanity thinks arrogantly that he is the doer….!!!
- Desire is a terrible foe, for it deludes the Soul through the senses…..!!!
- All beings are dominated by their governing property and act under its compulsion….!!!
- Let me touch you with your need to touch the Soul……!!!
- Why path of Self Realization should be our first choice…???
- What is control of the mind?
- Could a person be initiated in a previous lifetime and then acquire only fragments of initiation in their current one?
- When I am parted from my Beloved, my heart is full of misery….!!!
- All actions are fully dissolved in this knowledge…..!!!
- What do you suggest dear blessed souls?
- To move along-with radius is the correct path….!!!
- How to effect the quest for the God?
- Those who get involved by tricky mind…!!!
- Degrading the Soul is violence……!!!
- All the miseries are purely personal belongings….!!!
- Duality is a step….!!!
- Divine Messages!!!
- They attain to the eternal peace of God…..!!!
- Anger is generated if the satisfaction of desire is obstructed in any way….!!!
- The worshipper’s mind should rather always be concerned with that-word, form, incarnation, or abode…..!!!
- Confusion of memory weakens the seeker’s dedication….!!!
- Since both the dedication and the oblation itself are God….!!!
- The feeling of attachment persists in men who have got over their concern with the objects of sense….!!!
- Although a man’s association with objects of sense ends when he restrains them from reacting to these objects….!!!
- By apprehending God through the observance of the Way of Selfless Action…..!!!
- God is the ultimate reality……!!!
- That man has a firm wisdom who is totally free from infatuation….!!!
- Who is the sage?
- God’s manifestation is internal, obscure, and luminous…..!!!
- The state in which the mind is supreme…..!!!
- God manifests himself again and again, in all circumstances…!!!
- God manifests himself as a saviour of saintly men…..!!!
- Yog maya is the maya of Self that provides access to the Soul…!!!
- It is man’s duty to sacrifice the desires arising from will along with attachment &worldly pleasure and restrain with his mind…!!!
- Yog is experiencing the final beatitude…..!!!
- After knowing God, the yogi dwells for ever and unwavering in the state in which he is blessed with the eternal, sense-transcending joy…!!!
- The one way to attain to Supreme Spirit…!!!!
- Ultimate bliss is granted to the man……!!!
- Unless God stands by as a charioteer…..!!!
- A yogeshwar, an accomplished teacher…!!!
- O enlightened one, I have been a yogi….!!!
- Beloved is beloved…!!!!
- “Know that whatever is possessed of glory, beauty, and strength has arisen from my own splendour…..!!!”
- Oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ….!!!
- Lead me from death to the immortality…!!!
- Lead me from falsehood to truth…!!!!
- Lead me from darkness to light….!!!
- Total abandonment is renunciation….!!!
- Body is finally set now to initiate the last phase of my life…..!!!
- Of course each of us know about our love which need not any sort of disclosure…..!!!
- We have to complete journey of our Soul through different bodies…..!!!
- On this tree is a bird: it dances in the joy of life…..!!!
- Let us go to that country where dwells the Beloved, the ravisher of my heart……!”
- The disciple chooses the manifold fruits of life and tastes them, and the Guru beholds him in joy…!!!
- To find stability in humility is not so easy…..!!!
- So the wise man freed from individuality goes to rest and cannot be defined….!!!
- O Sadhu! practice that Word….!!!
- Whom to speak about truth and reality?
- My land is a sorrowless land….!!!
- Look deeper and much more deeper, any treasure is always hidden and only they may find who really dive in and look deeper…..!!!
- Flowers of reverence at these sacred coming moments of Guru Poornima…..!!!
- A truly enlightened Guru…..!!!
- Metaphysical concept of real birthday….!!!
- Walk the path…..!!!!
- My heart yearns for that true Guru……!!!
- One may stand firm alone externally as well internally in crowd of millions…!!!
- The most beautiful beauty of the Beauty…..!!!
- To get rewarded with the benediction of supreme peace…!!!
- Love is God and God is love……!!!
- Listen to me, my friend! My beloved Lord is within…!!!
- “pitāhamasya jagato mātā dhātā pitāmahah”….. And I too am the bearer and preserver of the whole world as also the giver of rewards for action; father, mother and also the grandsire….!!!
- Yog Brings About The State In Which The Even-Minded Worshiper Sees The Extension Of His Soul In All Beings….!!!
- Metaphysical Secret Of “KUMBH”…..!!!
- I salute the lotus feet of my Guru…..!!!
- True Manliness Is Self-Knowledge……!!!
- The Real Base Of The Body Is Constituted By Sanskar….!!!
- Infatuation is a brutal killer….!!!
- Is Inner Renunciation Possible Without Outer….???
- Rather than confusing and undermining the faith of the ignorant who are attached to action…..!!!
- This Ultimate Bliss Comes Only To That…!!!
- The special exercise which takes one to the adored God is meditation…..!!!
- Simply one has to get flown….well balanced till the final attainment of ultimate bliss….!!!
- This is possible only if the stage of total surrender has been achieved…..!!!
- To look much at ego may again turn as a reflection of ego….!!!
- Love to God needs pure and honest heart……!!!
- Climbing ever higher, although step by step, the householder will also achieve the state of a yogi….!!!
- Blessed with a vision of God’s ineffable glory….!!!
- Possessed of the means of spiritual realization…..!!!
- Mutinous senses ravish even discerning and active minds, and undo their steadiness…..!!!
- Confusion and ignorance arise from anger…..!!!
- Force has often been a feature of meditation……!!!
- When God begins to resolve doubts…!!!!
- God’s Manifestation Is Internal, Obscure And Luminous…..!!!
- Realization of the immutable, unmanifest God…..!!!
- A true seeker should always try to remain silent as much as possible….!!!
- Merits Of Worship Are Never Destroyed….!!!
- Attainment of the ultimate essence….!!!
- Ultimate bliss is granted………!!!
- Yogi perceive the act of becoming…..!!!
- The sages and God are propitious to him who guilelessly serves the twice borne…..!!!
- Oh…how rough and tough is the path…..,Grace…Guru…Grace…!!!
- The only belief is to believe in a single God….!!!!
- Each layer of delusive worldly thought gets demolished in flames of spiritual austerities….!!!
- Silent communications through divine gestures….!!!
- Since The Points Of Initiation Are So Many, Hence It Looks Like There Are So Many Paths….!!!
- The undertaking of worship of the Supreme Spirit….!!!
- Blissful Guru Pūrṇimā – गुरु पूर्णिमा ……..!!!
- The depth of calmness…..!!!!
- Enlightenment is somewhat somewhere here…..!!!
- Currents of deviation flow through the mind, not through the body…..!!!
- The body ever strays towards its desires….!!!
- Spiritually to take refuge in God and seek the ultimate liberation….!!!
- “Go and live anywhere you like with your body, but in your mind be with me…..!!!
- When enlightened master abides in the devotee’s heart, he is ever awake and inseparably with the disciple’s Self….!!!
- Name recitation of God…..!!!
- Real metaphysics……a question???
- Purest life spring to seeker’s deserted mind….!!!
- The root cause for emergence of aspects hindering one’s dedication…!!!
- True spirituality starts revealing it’s original colour which is everlasting…!!!
- One who does not get trapped…..!!!
- Total accomplishment and result of pure and complete transformation in divine path…..!!!
- Delusion subsides only when the desired God is attained and the merits/demerits of previous deeds are reduced to nothing…..!!!!
- Getting tired honestly means one is walking the path truly…..!!!
- An innocent silence of a seeker’s pain….!!!
- Does The Bhagavad Gita Give Good Guidance For One Who See’s How The Value Is Held Inside?
- To Get Introduced With The Soul Is The First Step To Touch The Lowest Level Of Soul Consciousness …..!!!
- Most unavoidable silent departure of so called expected evergreen charming life…!!!!
- True victory lies in subduing matter and in perceiving, as well as becoming one with, the Supreme Spirit that transcends it…..!!!
- No attachment to any amount of even least attained detachment…..!!!
- Touch of the Soul…!!!!
- Devotion of body, speech and mind to Lord’s feet….!!!
- The Immortal Soul In The Body…!!!!
- Why so impatient my heart…???
- With who should I play Holi?
- The master is the King of colours,He has colored my veil…!!!
- A householder is not essentially a sinful man….!!!
- The adherence to truth is cultivated by incessant reflection, meditation, and samadhi…..!!!
- Why are we not naturally enlightened?
- God dwells in feeling…!!!
- At the eve of MAHASHIVRATRI….!!!
- The accomplished teacher is ever in readiness to help his disciple….!!!
- So memorable are the moments…!!!
- What Is Seen Does Not Exist….What ‘IS’ Cannot Be Said….!!!
- Death of a mind…!!!!
- Hey…… Good bye departing year…..Good bye….!!!
- O’ God……,bless to get each petal unfolded spotless
- He who departs from the body intoning OM, which is God in word, and remembering me, attains to salvation….!!!
- Dispel the darkness forever….!!!
- Oh lord,lead us from darkness to light…!!!!
- Happiness lies in God…!!!
- In search of true happiness being unknown with its real definition….!!!
- Metaphysical exposition of the answers of Arjun’s seven spiritual questions raised in a series in Bhagavad Gita!!!!
- Spiritual maturity requires attainment of an infinite depth as well invisible height…..!!!
- My master’s voice temple,the source of divine inspiration….!!!
- You should also renounce this miserable, ephemeral, mortal body and always engage in my worship….!!!
- Granting profit in the mortal world and support in the next world are both God’s burden….!!!
- Eternal happiness comes only to him who is unattached to pleasures…..!!!
- The canon of worship is that it should be private and secret…..!!!
- Who is a realized sage…?
- Yog is the joining of the Soul…………!!!
- Is this man truly like scattered patches of clouds because his mind is divided and he is confused?
- He then knows what God is and, knowing his divine glories, he is at once merged with him…..!!!
- “You, O infinite, are the primal God…..!!!”
- Compassion….!!!!
- Hunger of self appraisal and expecting appreciation while leading a spiritual life…!!!
- Truly enlightened Guru….!!!
- Enabling in getting “self ” totally dissolved with “Self “…….!!!
- One who is victim of malicious feelings for any one….!!!
- This is pranayam,the serenity of breath…..!!!
- To trim the mind along with the body and senses ….!!!
- When one dwells in the God who had to be realized, nothing else remains to be achieved….!!!
- When the culmination of yog is once reached, who is there beyond to strive and look for?
- Identifying the initial divine source sitting as charioteer in inner realm of spiritual heart…!!!
- I am the “father” who provides….!!!
- Though most painful yet very soothing to beg for you from yourself O’ most revered Gurudev…!!!!
- God is the ultimate reality.To perceive him is wisdom….!!!
- Nature and form of Yagya, the deed of accomplishing which is ordained action defined as “Karma”…..!!!!
- It is important to know where the enemy hides…!!!
- Obtain that knowledge from sages through reverence, inquiry and innocent solicitation….!!!
- When the enemy is within, why should one fight an external war….?
- Just renunciation of an undertaken task cannot lead anyone to the attainment of realizing and becoming one with God….!!!
- Action is a prescribed undertaking-the performance of yagya…!!!
- One will have to surrender like a piece of hollow bamboo with total empty passage of own thoughts….!!!
- The seeker on the Way of Selfless Action…..!!!
- Jai Sadgurudevam…..!!!
- Yes…..I am listening you…!!!
- Though I don’t deserve even to rest as a dust particle beneath your lotus feet O’ most revered Gurudev…!!!
- Realization of the indestructible God, the root from which everything is born, is life…!!!
- Spiritual wisdom transplanted by totally enlightened Guru in serene heart of worthy disciple..!!!
- Not means but the determination of mind needs to be firm to explore the path….!!!
- The mark of a sage is that he is like an ocean…..!!!
- “Although I Have Created The Four Classes (Varn)…..!!!!”
- Shelter in celestial shadow of totally accomplished and enlightened master’s lotus feet is the true definition of real ashram….!!!
- Grieve not, for I shall free you from all sins…!!!
- The loving acceptance by God!!!
- The celestial rays of Guru’s gracious parental affection are eternal…!!!
- God cannot be known if there is even the slightest trace of nature’s properties….!!!
- Flowers of unconditional spiritual love….!!!
- Steady devotion to the Self-dominance of the Soul-is adhyatm….!!!
- A lotus leaf is untouched by water…!!!
- Sages with perfectly poised minds are freed from material nature during their worldly life itself and always remain spotless…!!!
- The worshiper should constantly revise the knowledge pertaining to realization of the final goal right till the moment of attainment….!!!
- Action has to be accomplished….!!!
- Restraint of desire and will is a victory of the mind….!!!!
- May God bless to all my friends a new beginning full of abundant eternal pleasure, bliss, joy of Being, peace within, light, love and success in the coming New Year 2014…!!!
- The ascent and descent of worship are events that belong to the Innermost seats of thought and feeling….!!!
- Deepest gratitude for God can be sensed by maintaining a safe distance from the abyss of the mortal world….!!!
- Fountain of pain gives the same feelings as that of pleasure….!!!
- Realized sages are ocean of compassion…!!!
- A true seeker must build a mountain of spiritual patience through true meditative process….!!!
- Sadguru…!!!
- A fearful image of self ego..!!!
- Restraint and prohibition alone cannot subdue the senses….!!!
- The river and its waves are one…!!!
- The flute of the Infinite is played without ceasing, and its sound is love..!!!
- The really lasting wealth is made up of spiritual acquisition. This is the real treasure….!!!!
- Exerting control on the wild senses and disciplining them into faithful servitors is the gift from an accomplished teacher; the gift, indeed, from the admired God….!!!
- The most sublime happiness….!!!
- Subtle is the path of love…!!!
- Love in love to God is love celestial as divine gift……!!!
- Abandon all the fruits of action and take refuge in my yog with a thoroughly subdued mind…!!!
- “Although imperishable, birthless, and God of all beings, I manifest myself subduing the materialistic world of nature by the mysterious power of atm-maya…”!!!
- I am just born baby and under deep meditation…!!!
- Unconditional devotion is pure love which never comes through any sort of temporary excitement….!!!
- Those moments are most precious in life….!!!
- When shall I see you again my Love…?
- Neither a life of self – indulgence nor one of self – mortification can bring happiness…!!!
- Only that man’s mind is unwavering who has achieved control of his senses….!!!
- Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines…!!!
- The passions of the yogi, the doer of selfless action, are annihilated by his perception of the ultimate essence that is God….!!!
- To what shore would you cross, O my heart….?
- That alone is auspicious which draws a Soul to the being of God…!!!
- He is indeed a steady-minded sage…!!!
- Neither shall I see anyone, nor let you see anyone else….!!!
- None else can hear this cry, unless you, my Love, will….!!!
- This Self is apprehended only through complete abandonment of passion…!!!
- The one who achieves the pure,immortal state of oneness with God…!!!
- The human body is meant for worship of God….!!!
- A Seeker Should Not Desire Even Absolution, For Absolution Is Total Freedom From Passions…!!!
- Recite OM,symbol of God,and contemplate him….!!!
- I am your disciple and have taken refuge in you…!!!!
- An accomplished teacher dwells in his disciple’s heart and is always by his side until the goal is reached….!!!
- Equipoise of mind is what is called yog….!!!
- By the performance of action,one will be freed from the bonds of action….!!!
- Seeker must try to liberate himself from the conflicts of…!!!
- The minds of men without discrimination have infinite divisions….!!!
- Selfless action is only one and its outcome is also one….!!!!
- If the seed of selfless action is just planted, it is imperishable….!!!
- In the performance of ordained action without coveting the fruits there of, the initial impulse or the seed is not destroyed….!!!
- This Spirit, the Self is amrit,imperishable,and it cannot be destroyed at any time…!!!
- The accomplished teacher [Sadguru] is for ever,and so are affectionate disciples…!!!
- True manliness is Self-knowledge: awareness of the Soul and its divine origin….!!!
- The really beneficial war is the conflict between matter and spirit…!!!
- A Brahmin is one who has achieved direct realization of the Self….!!!
- The Self is immutable, the Self is eternal and the Self is the only real Dharm….!!!
- Only enlightened, realized, sages have viewed the Self….!!!
- The real base of the body is constituted by sanskar, the merits-the influences and impressions-earned during a previous existence….!!!
- Supreme Spirit alone is real….!!!
- The endurance of cold and heat,of happiness and sorrow,of honour and dishonour, depends upon the seeker’s spiritual endeavour….!!!
- After spiritual attainment there is neither teacher nor pupil, and the Self who has gained awareness of the essence, of the Supreme Spirit, is left all alone…!!!
- Man Is Born In The Bodies That Are Shaped By His Own Will…!!!
- Nature embodies two points of view, relevant to the opposed impulses that clash on the field of action….!!!
- One’s steady adherence to dharm will bring about the absorption of the Self in the boundless God….!!!
- The heart is the spring as well as the habitat of feeling….!!!
- The really lasting wealth of man, which he can truly call his own, is realization of his Self, the God within….!!!
- So long as delusion is alive, unrighteous impulses cannot be vanquished…!!!
- The steadfast mind treasures faith in the universal, immutable reality….!!!
- God dwells in feeling…!!!
- The illusory maya obstructs in many ways.
- One who is free from desire dwells within the Self…!!!
- Adherence to truth is cultivated by incessant reflection, meditation, and samadhi….!!!
- After ego has ceased to exist, only the Self remains in a pure state….!!!
- Soul alone is the ultimate reality…!!!
- True action is that which brings an end to desires….!!!!
- Renunciation is name, not of a means, but of goal itself….!!!
- The point of true “actionlessness”can be reached only through action…!!!
- Bowing low to God in homage and dwelling in him….!!!
- Advancement towards the ultimate excellence…!!!
- True adherence to the Self….!!!
- Eternal peace is apostrophe’d by conflicts….!!!
- In the state of abstract contemplation of the nature of the Supreme Spirit….!!!
- God is immanent and transcendent at the same time…!!!
- There is line of gravity that separates God from nature…!!!
- Self…!!!
- A sage abandons all desires of his senses, mind, intellect, and body, and practices selfless action for inner sanctity….!!!!
- The only great achievement of intense love is attainment of ultimate bliss…!!!!
- Tell your beads at least once everyday to refresh your awareness of God…!!!
- How To Effect The Quest For The God…..?
- This is the “doom” in which nature is dissolved in the Soul…!!!
- The stage of Total surrender…!!!
- Self alone is true and eternal…!!!!
- Proceed on HIS way step by step…!!!
- Intent Devotion…!!!!
- What may bring about the arising of the…”Longing”?
- “O Sadhu! God is the breath of all breath.”
- There should be nothing for a devotee except the longed-for God….!!!
- Renunciation….!!!!
- Dharm is an obligation-a sacred trust…!!!
- The Master is an expert Dyer, He has colored my veil….!!!
- With who should I play Holi?
- How can I tell you that which it is?
- Get me liberated from worldly bondage O’God…!!!
- Om Namah Shivay….!!!
- The light of Guru…!!!!
- “He who departs from the body intoning “OM” which is God in word……!!!
- In the state of Samadhi…!!!!
- The really lasting wealth is made up of spiritual acquisition…!!!
- Let us pray to God….!!!
- The Self is unmanifest and not an object of the senses….!!!
- Message of Maha Kumbh Mela -2013,Prayag,India in it’s true metaphysical perspective!!!!
- Constant perseverance of spiritual efforts for attainment of ultimate bliss leads to renunciation on it’s own…!!!!
- For realization of God one needs to possess faith, determination, and restraint of the senses…!!!!
- Those who are getting blessed by sagely attributes do not desire any personal gain…!!!
- Real spiritual pain of a true seeker…!!!
- A portrayal of real death after which there is no rebirth….!!!
- The mark of a sage is that he is like an ocean…..!!!
- May God bless to all my friends…. a new beginning full of abundant love,bliss,joy of Being,peace within,light and success in the coming New Year 2013…..!!!
- Self-realization should be goal of human existence…!!!
- Unseen rainbows with seven colours, ah……if any one can manage to see all these…?
- Although it is difficult to curb the mind, it can be subdued by constant meditation and renunciation….!!!
- The best combination of companionship to travel with while traversing upon the “Path of Self Realization”…!!!
- It can never be a shadow in dark ignorance of this life,then who is walking step by step with me….?
- One may stand firm alone externally as well internally in crowd of millions if gains the solid strength of alone-ness and deep wisdom of spiritual Life…!!!
- All beings are dominated by their governing property and act under its compulsion…!!!
- Love is God and God is love……!!!
- True spiritualism requires a subtle approach, mood,courage and patience because each vibration is in subtle form here….!!!
- Mind to no mind journey…!!!
- This Self is apprehended only through complete abandonment of passion….!!!
- The mind in which there is no unevenness is full of equanimity…!!!
- Journey of the Soul…!!!
- The ultimate God is without a beginning and end….!!!
- Journey is one to one…..!!!!
- The mind is linked with breath…..!!!
- Want to Cry Today….!!!
- And even knowing after every thing… every thing is still left to be known, such is my celestial activity…
- Grace…. Guru.. Grace……!!!
- Death of the body is not the final end, for the succession of bodies continues even after death….!!!
- Desire is illusion and progenitor of the world….!!!
- “Guru, God, Self”…!…”God, Self”…!…”God”…! One in three or three in one….!!!!
- We all are just a dust cloud with a conscience, dense here and now…!!!
- But free soul is never at liberty to take any liberty….!!!
- Never get trapped….!!!
- Total oneness with God….!!!
- Four kinds of devotees, O dear blessed soul……. Worship me…!!!
- A conversation in the realm of spiritual heart during struggle of self with Self…!!!
- Lit this eternal light with heart to heart and make this universe, a universe of light without any darkness …!!!
- “Charaiveti,…….. Charaiveti”…!!!
- A journey is complete only when the destination is reached…!!!
- How all happenings finally reduce to just one thing – silence and who is silent in silence…?
- “…Touch of The Soul…!!!”
- Call of the womb…….!!!
- Call of the womb is a natural call….and A naked truth too..!!!
- Since the God is immutable… And so the Path is too…!!!
- Stability in humility comes at the highest stage of Self Realization…!!!
- We are scared of wetting our feet… Standing on the shores of the immeasurable ocean of knowledge…!!!
- At the end it is only silence speaking to the silence…..!!!
- Dive in,….look deeper and much more deeper…..!!!
- Who is the best devotee of God?
- “Guru, Where Are You……..?”
- Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha…….I salute such a Guru!!!
- A truly enlightened Guru……!!!
- How to bring own love and own meditation into the land where there is no sun and moon, nor day and night…?
- Verily one has no fear, who has a true Guru to lead to the shelter of safety..!
- Any path is never endless though may be painful…!!!
- Let us go back once more, O mind, to our own abode…!
- The mind is linked with breath…!!!
- All pervading,inexpressible,eternal God controls and plays with righteous and most sacred impulses emerging through mind and senses ….!!!
- He is born in vain who……..!!!
- Our Essence ~ Knowing of which makes one, the knower of essence….!!!
- There is a trap… the trap in which each soul is trapped…!!!
- Now I’ll make myself mad….!!!!!!!!
- You the one in all, say who I am……. Say I am You….!!!
- Journey is one to one…..!!!!
- O God,…You are a sovereign remedy for the disease of birth and death and an enemy of pride…!!!
- “How Can Your Mind And Mine Agree”…?
- Move ahead simply in silence, with silence to silence to reach to Eternal Silence..!!!.
- To look much at ego may again reflect as a reflection of ego….!!!
- “Listen to me, dear Sadhu! the true path is rarely found….!!!
- Love shows no external wound. But the pain pervades every pore…!!!
- The pain of wound can never be realized till not get self wounded…..!!!
- How do I know how I lost my way….?
- And the path becomes much easier……!!!!
- Spiritual wisdom is that which is free from all blemishes..!!!
- My beloved Lord is within…..!!!
- Walk patiently through this troubled world and you’ll find a great treasure….!!!
- Never give up…!!!
- Words are words simply…. An empty attempt to whisper about Absolute…!!!
- Say the thinkers…!!!!
- So long as the process of coming and going, of birth and death, lasts, how can there be ultimate redemption….?
- Vision is ever in proportion to mastery of the mind and the senses….!!!
- The yogi is superior, but even better is that yogi who dwells in God through his Self……!!!
- Firm devotion with intense meditation can only unfold the spiritual mysteries and that too is for personal self realization not for others….!!!
- Installation of the one changeless God alone is the final destruction of evil….!!!!
- All the way it is mind….!!!!
- The man whose mind is clouded with vanity thinks arrogantly that he is the doer….!!!
- When the enemy is within, why should one fight an external war?
- After the Self is united with God, pious impulses too are dissolved and merge with him…..!!!
- Ego is like an ice cube…..!!!
- After realizing the ultimate repose,all the seeker’s sorrows disappear…!!!!
- There can be no devotion without knowing the object of devotion….!!!
- To trim the mind along with the body and senses in keeping with the goal is Penance….!!!
- Oneness….only oneness exists……!!!!
- How witness at the beginning is transformed into the Supreme Spirit himself…?
- Until that moment …………. the seeker has to carry on his worship…..!!!
- Simply to keep quite is not silence…..!!!!
- “Please carry me across the world-ocean, O Lord of the Universe”…..!!!
- This is a self-evident and incontrovertible truth…..!!!
- It is of the utmost importance that desire is thoroughly subdued…..!!!
- “It is the mercy of my true Guru that has made me to know the unknown…!!!
- Who may lead seekers as a real Guru…..???
- Self-realization should be goal of human existence…!!!
- A seeker should not desire even absolution…..!!!
- Seven successive stages of yog…..!!!
- “Realization of God is the sublime culmination of this spiritual process”…..!!!.
- Prerequisites for the celebration of present moments realizing the immutable….!!!
- “The light among lights and said to be beyond darkness, that God….!!!
- Fear is a property of nature, not of God…..!!!
- “Then that goal should be sought for, after arriving at which one does not have to turn back again…!!!
- Supreme Power is all pervading…..!!!
- “Do your duty with one hand and with the other hold to God”…..…!!!
- “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it,…………!!!
- “Fearlessly I will praise you.O’God,you the one without any attributes”….sings the great sage Kabir…!!!
- To gain clarity is a gradual process blessed by that eternal path which is known as “Path of Self Realization”.
- “The nine steps of devotion, I impart to you. Listen you well and remember it always”…!!!
- The most sacred earning of spiritual life is to take refuge in accomplished sage…!!!
- The first step to devotion (Bhakti) is to keep company of the saints (Satsang)….!!!
- Om mani padme hum…!!!
- “What a pity that we squander the jewels of our breath on idle gossip”……!!!
- This is renunciation-(sanyas); and this is also achievement of yog…..!!!!
- This is possible only if….!!!
- “Listen to me, dear Sadhu! the true path is rarely found…..!!!
- Dance, my heart! dance to-day with joy……!!!
- Said Lord Buddha…!!!
- The four noble truths and the eightfold noble path…!!!
- Meditation…!!!
- GOD dictates are received in four ways…!!!
- The one and only name of God is recited at four levels: baikhari, madhyama, pashyanti, and para……!!!
- “He who departs from the body intoning OM……..!!!
- Control of the mind..!!!
- So wherever Vishwamitr-an enlightened sage-is, the Ved abide there!!!
- Om purnamadah purnamidam purnat purnamudacyate…!!!!
- That which initiates from and ends in lotus feet of “Guru” is real “Path of Self Realization”…!!!
- “Being omnipresent, you are every where….O’ Lord Rama!”
- Naiharva Hum Ka Na Bhave ….!!!
- Yes….Yes….Yes…Soul certifies….!!!
- No……. Nirvana does not come that cheap ………No …… Nirvana will never come that cheap……. !!!
- Who is God?Every-thing, some-thing or no-thing,who knows?
- Sages Attain To God With Help Of These Virtues……..!!!
- “Wave,” do I have to distinguish it from water?
- The Master is an expert Dyer, He has colored my veil…….. !!!
- Thought screen is….. “Chunariya”………!!!
- Eternal Silence…everlasting……beyond the measurements of time….!!!!!
- Just walk the path….!!!
- Dimensionless State Of Silence…………………….!!!
- “Meditate. Meditate. Meditate… Ah ! Meditate….!!!”
- Rumi…….Four beautiful poems….!!!
- Oh Companion That Abode Is Unmatched,Where My Complete Beloved Is…!!!
- No expectations…!!!
- At the moment of attainment of Buddhahood…….!!!
- O How may I ever express that secret word?
- God is one only dear blessed souls…….for each one……in every circumstances…!!!
- “Kutasth Chitta” is Chitrakoot…..!!!
- HOW could the love between Thee and me sever?
- The Desire for Desirelessness is the last of desires and Desirelessness happens, when this desire too is dropped. Who drops it…?
- And That’s the real path….. !!!
- A way of worship……!!!!
- Cidananda rupah sivoham sivoham….!!!
- A true seeker ought to practice yagya to strengthen own righteous impulses….!!!
- A seeker must strengthen and augment divine impulses in the heart….!!!
- I am immersed in that one great bliss which transcends all pleasure and pain….!!!
- Death of a mind…!!!
- At last I find a meaning of soul’s birth…!!!
- Only then can he win in the gamble of nature….!!!
- Prayers are meant to get heard….!!!
- Installation of the one changeless God…!!!
- God is the ultimate reality…!!!
- The path….!!!
- There is a dividing line between nature and the Supreme Spirit….!!!
- God shows his favour by standing with the worshiper as a charioteer….!!!
- To what shore would you cross, O my heart….?
- Manifold strands are entwined in love: of dharm, precept, restraint, pious association, and sentiment…..!!!
- The one anointed by the Guru, hears……Sings Kabir….!!!
- The Unattached One will not awaken if you have no devotion O’ fool..!!!
- Nothing can help any one except intoning the name of single God!!!
- Devotion, a drop of the ocean…!!!
- From my way to path of Self Realization…….!!!
- Three generations bestowing divine blessings in a row upon “My way to path of Self Realization”….!!!
- “Swami,thank you for every thing”……..!!!
- Bow down to your lotus feet O’ most Revered Gurudev…!!!
Follow - My Path
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- I picture it in layers. The soul is ever expansive whereas the mind is like an antenna. The ego is like a wire that plugs into the antenna. This image makes it easier to see how the soul is superior in scale yet is able to be consciously connected to body mind complex.
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